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Delirious P.O.V

"The floor" Vanoss's eyes widen.

"I'm underground!" Wildcat warn me.

"Or the walls?" I suggested trying to keep Wildcat hidden from Vanoss.

"We will do that later," Vanoss said before leaving the hallway.

"Vanoss went to the main room" Lui inform us.

"I'm right under Delirious" Wildcat pounded the floor and I felt the variations beneath my shoe.

"Shit. Hurry Wildcat, there are spaces between each wall. Throw a rock, or I don't know, to switch his tactics" Mini command. I looked at the ground making sure Vanoss can't see anything visible when he comes back.

"Fuck, yeah okay" Wildcat grunted. I heard a sound mostly like an echo coming from inside the walls and a few moments later, Vanoss comes back with a wooden plank.

"I think the wall is better" Vanoss fell for the trick.

"Did it work?" Wildcat pants and I gave him a hum letting him know it did while letting Vanoss know I approve.

Vanoss toss the plank in his hand before taking aim at the wall and swinging.

"Ahh! Shit" I heard Wildcat yell so I acted quickly and kick a hole in the wall covering up Wildcat sounds.

"Taking out your anger? Who else insulted your family?" Vanoss mocks.

"Vanoss, you been knocked out multiple times. Don't let me add to it" I grab the edges pulling it up, ripping the whole wall off and the smell gotten stronger as I see a clear bag body with blood splatter inside not giving me a good view of what's inside "Shit, what did they do to them?"

"What are you talking about?" Mini questions and I move away from Vanoss to talk.

"There's a body bag, " I said.

"Is it that the guy?" Nogla ask.

"I don't know yet" I answer.

"Alright, bring to the base once we're done and I'll figure out what I can" Moo demands. I walk back to the hallway where Vanoss is standing right front of the bag.

Probably wondering if it's his friend.

"Can we go to the vault now?" I try to get him out of his trance.

"Yea, but we are leaving with the body" Vanoss warns.

"Who said we were leaving it?" I shrug. "Come on, we will be out of here faster if you aren't standing there" Vanoss push past me, bumping into my shoulder but I wasn't gonna let him. I stood my ground and stiffen my body so I didn't move. Vanoss didn't seem fazed as he kept on walking towards the exit.

It took a while to get there since Mini was trying to not get me blow up. Lui told me he went to the back of the house so I follow. I found Vanoss staring at the wooden basement doors with a rusty metal lock around the handles.

"Here?" I asked making his head snap towards me.

"Family" I heard Vanoss whisper.

"What?" I wanted him to repeat that again since it had no matter of what we were doing at the moment unless if it was something important so I wanted him to repeat it again.

"Nothing but yeah, this is it" Vanoss shrugs and I stood silence just for a second but decide to worry about what he said later. I quickly shrug it off and look at the doors that were locked.

"How are we going to get in?" I asked. A smile appears on Vanoss's face like he came up with a brilliant idea then again he probably did.

"Wait there, keep watch" Vanoss walks past me and once he passed the corner, I call out to Lui.

"Keep watch of him, Lui" I command.

"Roger, he went back into the house" Lui inform. "He's looking for something"

I lean against the wooden door trying to peek through again cracks. We could burst it open but if this is where the vault is, who tells what might happen.

"Where is the system at?" I ask.

"Rebooting" Mini reply.

"The landlord?" I switch my attention to Cartoonz and Nogla.

"Name is Mark. He didn't even know someone was living there but it was fully paid for, he didn't even bother to check since of the condition of the house." Cartoonz said.

"We decide to ask more questions but we keep getting the same exact answer: 'Someone lives there?'" Nogla sighs.

"Shit! Vanoss is stomping and the dust is getting in my eyes" Wildcat complains "I can't fucking see"

I rush back towards the house and stop at the doorway and I see Vanoss who was looking at the ground while stomping when he decided to use more force, I spoke up.

"Vanoss," I said and Vanoss turns around, stopping his stomping. "What's taking you so long?"

"Nothing, why aren't you beside the doors? Like I told you to" Vanoss remark.

"I don't listen to you plus I was bored" I try making something up while Wildcat was blind underground.

"Shit" Wildcat whisper. Vanoss looks at me with his eyes squinting, almost like he was trying to study from far away.

"What?" Vanoss sounded like he didn't believe but I gave it another shot.

"I was bored" I repeated, I can't switch my reason that would make him more suspicious of me than being "bored" already did.

"Okay," Vanoss shrugs.

"Bored?" Terroriser said with disbelief. "You are bored in a mission. I understand being bored from not doing anything and you don't do anything about it but I don't understand being bored and doing something about"

"Okay, what are you doing?" I asked Vanoss, ignoring the idiot in my ear.

"That didn't even make sense, Terroriser," Nogla says.

"When the fuck does Terroriser make sense?" Cartoonz points out.

"Looking for something to pick the lock" Vanoss looks back at the ground, shoving stuff with his foot.

"Shut up, Cartoonz. Half of the shit you say is profanity" Terroriser defense himself.

"Actually that's all everyone use" Mini points out.

"What he is trying to say is that being bored and not doing anything about it is a good idea but being bored and doing something about is not" Lui try to clear up what Terroriser said and trying to break up the fight Cartoonz and Terroriser were about to have.

"Still don't get it" Nogla sigh.

"That's because you are dumbass bitch" Wildcat snaps.

"Like what?" I close my eyes trying to keep my cool.

"You are a blind one" Nogla snaps back.

"Something thin but strong" Vanoss answers and leans down dusting the dirt with his hands.

"Shut the fuck up, Nogla" Wildcat demands.

"Guys, be quiet" Moo spoke in a raspy voice. "We're on a mission"

"You fell asleep, didn't you?" Terroriser hum.

"What? No" Moo reply but the silence that was introduced, he knew no one believes him. "Why don't you be a lookout then?!"


Made you look!
1149 words

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