A sound

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You don't have to read this, it's just a thank you note (I'll tell you when to stop)

Just a day early (no difference whatsoever) but take it as an really small present since 04/28/2017 aka my birthday is coming up or here or already pass- whenever you are reading this.

I will grant you a ride on my unicorn and at the end, I'll give you a great hug... Sorry I couldn't do anymore, I really am grateful for the votes and comments y'all leave me and it pains me that I can't really show it but leave messages.

Hopefully, my story isn't boring and you are still with me. I will continue this story of course -.- who am I not to?! So stick around!

Warning: It's a bit cheesy at the end; just a bit like a sprinkle on a unicorn's hair.

You can stop now

Vanoss's P.O.V

"You're kidding? They actually agree to let you go with me" I point at myself, looking at Delirious with disbelief.

They made a big deal about the deal Delirious made with me and they were okay with Delirious going to Florida with me.. alone?

"Yeah, they understood." Delirious shrug and lifted a black bag over his shoulder.

"What's in the black bag?" I asked moving away from the topic. I found it very suspicious and it was messing with my head.

"Nothing" Delirious answer. "Clothes" I knew he was lying, he should have just stuck with nothing.

"What's in the bag?" I asked again.

"Clothes" He sigh and I roll my eyes.

He is taking me for an idiot

"Yeah right" I scoff and he tossed me the bag.

"Please, check it" Delirious cross his arms, testing me. I look over at the bag then at him, shaking my head.

"Let's just go already" I grab the bag and toss it back at him. Delirious opens the door, leading me out.

We pass a giant table where the rest of Delirious's gang were sitting at. They stared at us while we kept walking to the exit.

Aren't they going to say anything?

I felt very alarm as if there is something huge they aren't telling me then again I'm not in this gang and I never will be. I shrug it off, glancing down to the floor.

A bright light appears and the sound of water falling. Looking up, I was greeted by woods or a forest and we walk out of the doorway, a waterfall was next to what it seem like a camouflage door.

The walk from the "base" to the car was awfully short. I except it to be deeper in for a secret base but I must have passed the time by looking at the trees.

Nature always seem to satisfy me even if I'm in a horrible situation like I'm going to Florida where my "ally" told me to never bring anyone or he will kill both of us.

Recalling the flashback, my nerves kick up. He is very skilled, I'm not sure why he wastes his time looking for information and he never tells me how he does it.

When I asked for the 164 folder, I didn't really ask. I was complaining how I needed revenge for my brother death, I guess he wanted me to shut up.

He told me "I would do it myself but I guess I don't have the right motivation like you and if you need any info for your brother, look for a guy named Victor York. He's in Canada for a few days"

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