Chapter 2

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 Right as she walked through the door to her office, a flash of color swirled before her eyes. Next thing she knew, she felt someone tackle her from behind almost causing her to fall.


“Ha! Ha! Ha! Got you, Macy!”

“May May?! What in the world are you doing here?!” It turned out to be her closest childhood friend, Maggie, whom she nicknamed May May.

“I was just in the neighborhood so I thought I’d take you out to dinner.” Marisa smiled as she straightened herself up and picked up her charts.

“That’s nice of you, May May, but I’ve still got a few things to finish up here. Besides, I’m not really that hungry.” Maggie sighed.

“Aw come on, Macy. I know your patients' health is important to you and all. But what about your health? You’re always running around and hardly give yourself any time to eat or sleep. If you keep this up, you’re going to get sick yourself. Not to mention give yourself wrinkles before you hit 25.” Marisa couldn’t help but laugh.

“No I won’t. I’ll be just fine.” Right after she said that, her stomach let out a loud growl. Trying to keep it quiet, Marisa slapped her hand over it. Maggie folded her arms and formed a smirk on her face.

“You were saying?” Marisa found herself blushing.

“It’s nothing really. Besides if I leave now, who’s going to take care of the rest of the paper work?”

“You can leave that to me, doctor.” A voice spoke up. Marisa and Maggie turned around to see Chelsea standing in the doorway.

“You should go have something to eat. You skipped lunch again and I know you didn’t get much sleep last night. Go ahead and take the rest of the night off, doctor. You can leave everything to me.” Marisa thought for a minute. Then, her stomach growled again.

“Alright, alright I get the point. I guess I could use a bite to eat.”

“Great! I know just the place to. We’re gonna fill you up till you pop.” Before Marisa could argue, Maggie grabbed her arm and pulled her out the door. Just as Marisa was signing out, Dr. John and Dr. David appeared.

“Evening Dr. Marisa. Calling it a day?” Marisa quickly finished up.

“Guess so. May May here insists that I need a bite to eat.”

“Can’t say I blame her. You do look a little on the pale side today. The last thing we need is for our star doctor to get sick.”

“Oh, cut it out. I’ve heard enough of that for one day. By the way, Dr. David, how was your first day? I hope Dr. John didn’t bore you by talking nonstop like he always does.” Dr. David smiled.

“Not at all. It was just fine. I know I’m still new at all this. I just hope I can do a good job.”           “I wouldn’t worry too much if I were you. Just do your best and I’m sure you’ll fit in in no time.” Dr. David smiled.

“I hope so.” With that, Marisa and Maggie headed towards the parking lot. Dr. David turned to see Dr. John laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“That’s always been her line. ‘Do your best.’ Every time someone finds themselves struggling with something, Marisa always says that to encourage them. It never fails to amaze me at how she never gives up. No matter what, she just keeps on going and wears that bright smile on her face. Got to admire her for that, that’s for sure.” Dr. John walked off as Dr. David just watched them go.

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