Chapter 15

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   When it was time for Marisa to go pick up Conner from school, she had just finished up her work for the day. Quickly, she hopped into her car and started driving down the road. She was almost there when she suddenly thought she heard a loud explosion.

“What was that?!” Marisa looked around but didn’t see anything.

“Guess it must have been my imagination.” Just then, she looked ahead and saw a big thick cloud of black smoke.

“What?!” She realized right away that it was coming from the direction of the school.

“Oh no!” As fast as she could, Marisa drove the rest of the way. By the time she got there, the whole area was blocked with traffic. Marisa had no choice but to leave her car behind and run the rest of the way. When she got there, it was just as she feared. The school was a giant tower of flames. It was hard to believe it was once a school at all. In the distance, she could hear the sounds of sirens rushing towards the area. But with so much traffic, she feared it would be a while before they got through. Marisa looked to see the children rushing to the protective arms of their families.

“Conner?! Conner where are you?! Conner?!” She called out as loudly as she could but, no matter where or how hard she looked, she couldn’t find any sign of her brother. Just then, she spotted his teacher.

“Mrs. Perry! Have you seen my brother?! I can’t find him anywhere!” Mrs. Perry already had a frantic look on her face.

“No I haven’t! We thought all the children had made it out in time! But now we can’t seem to find him and one other student from my class named Kyle!”

“Kyle?! That’s the name of Conner’s friend who had that sports party!” Marisa looked over to see Kyle’s family calling out desperately trying to find him. Marisa looked at the building.

“If they’re not out here, than they must be...!” Before anyone could stop her, Marisa ran into the building. She covered her mouth with the sleeve of her jacket as she tried not to breathe in the smoke. The flames and smoke made it difficult to see and breathe and the heat was wearing her down fast. Despite that, she knew she had to keep going. As she approached the class room that was suppose to be Conner’s, she called out as loud as she could.

“Conner?! Conner can you hear me?! Conner?!” At first, she didn’t hear anything. Suddenly, she heard a faint reply.

“Sis?! Is that you?!”

“Conner!” Marisa fought her way through the heat and flames and into the room. Through all the smoke, she could just barely make out the shape of someone in front of her. It was Conner.


“Sis! Help! Kyle’s trapped! I can’t get him out!” Marisa looked at the floor to see Kyle was unconscious and stuck under some boards that had fallen from the ceiling. As fast as she could, she rushed over and helped Conner push the boards off of him. Finally, they managed to drag him out. Quickly, Marisa threw her jacket over him to protect him from the flames and picked him up.

“Alright! Let’s get out of here!” Marisa told Conner as they started running. As fast as they could, they ran towards the closest exit which was the front entrance.

“Sis! I can see the exit!”

“Just keep running and don’t stop till we get outside!” They were just about to reach the exit when suddenly the ceiling started coming down.

“Look out!” Marisa shouted as she pushed Conner forward and jumped back. But the time stuff stopped falling, Marisa couldn’t see the exit at all.

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