chapter 18

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   While Thomas, Marcus, and Yoshi rode in Thomas’s car, Miki and Minnie rode with Marisa in hers.

“Boy, this day is turning out to be much more exciting than I thought it would. I’m so glad Thomas invited me.” Marisa mentioned with a big smile. Just then, Miki gave her a funny look.

“Say, Marisa, what exactly is your relationship with Thomas?” Marisa’s face turned bright red.

“Relationship?! What are you talking about?!”

“You know, you and Thomas seem to be getting really close lately. It’s obvious that you’re growing pretty fond of him and he thinks about you all the time.” Minnie added. Marisa looked up ahead at the road.

“Well, I guess I can’t deny the fact that I am growing to like Thomas anymore. I tried to for a while but realized I was only fooling myself. When I’m with him, I know everything’s going to be okay. When I’m upset, he always knows what to say to put a smile back on my face. In fact, there have been times where just thinking about him has made me so happy I could die.” Minnie and Miki grinned.

“Have you told him that?” Marisa’s face turned bright red.

“Of course not! How could I say something like that?! Besides...”

“Besides what?” They asked curious to see how she would finish.

“Besides, no matter what might happen in the future, I’m just so grateful to have met such a kind and wonderful person. Someone who truly made life worth living for me.” Miki slapped her head while Minnie laid back in her seat and groaned. Marisa looked at them.

“What? Did I say something wrong?” Miki rubbed her head.

“It’s not that. It’s just that, with that kind of attitude, you won’t get very far with things.”

“Yeah really, if you really feel that way about Thomas, than you should totally go out with him or something.” Marisa formed a surprised look on her face.

“Go out with him?”

“Yeah, you know. Like go on a date or something.” By now, Marisa’s face was a red as a chilly pepper.

“A date?! But...but I’ve never been on a real date before!”

“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” Minnie stated. Marisa thought for a moment.

“Me and Thomas? Go on a date? I guess I would like to do something like that. But, am I really ready for that kind of thing? Maggie told me that just because it’s a date doesn’t mean it has to be super fancy, but at the same time it’s not just something super ordinary. I mean, I would like to do something like that. would Thomas feel?” Marisa was still deep in thought as she stopped at a red light. As the light turned green, Marisa was about to cross the intersection.

“Marisa! Watch out!” Miki suddenly shouted. Marisa looked just in time to see a red car speeding towards her. Already being in the middle of the intersection, she had no choice but to go forward. Marisa quickly stepped on the gas and made it to the other side just in time. The red car plowed through the red light from behind her. Quickly, she slammed on the brakes and brought the car to a stop.

“Geez! Hasn’t that guy ever heard of watch where you’re going?! He almost turned us into road side pancakes!” Miki yelled pushing her hair out of her face. Minnie straightened herself up and looked at Marisa. Her whole body was shaking.

“Marisa?! Are you okay?!” Marisa could hardly speak.

“I...I...” Just then, the car doors were swung open. Yoshi looked inside.

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