!Embarrassed! Levi X Reader ⚠️18+

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•18+ Content

•References to Sex



Third Person POV

"Good morning, Levi."

(F/n) said softly to her boyfriend.

"Good morning."

He replied after rubbing his eyes awake.

Levi rolled over onto his side and pulled her closer to him.

"Levi I have to get up and ready."




"God dammit."

She muttered.

After a few minutes passed, he finally released her from his embrace.

She got up and went into their attached bathroom to change.

Levi decided to get up and change into his uniform as well. But when he got up, he felt something strange...down there.

Levi glanced down and saw it, his cheeks starting to burn up.

"Hey, (f-f/n)...?"

He called out.


She responded.

"I k-kinda have a problem."

"What kind of problem?"


"Why in the walls do you think I would know all about that?"

She asked, walking out of the bathroom.

"No, just...come here."

Levi turned around and (f/n) couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Don't laugh!"

He frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"B-But you have a fucking boner!"

She snorted.

"Don't just stand there! Fix it!"

"It's on your own damn body! Fix it yourself!"

"I'm not gonna jerk off!"

"And I'm not sucking dick today!"

Levi sighed, sitting down on the bed.

"Well I'm going to go eat. You have fun fixing your problem."

"Wait (f/n)-"

She was already out the door.


He cursed.

Levi x Reader (ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now