1 moth Later

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I was getting ready for the ball being held at the Crystalline Castle. I was wearing this beautiful purple princess ballgown. I applied real makeup this time. Like Mascara, lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow, my eyebrows, my blush, concealer, foundation, etc. I http://my.w.tt/UiNb/qQcjc3uuWz my jewelry on.

Etc I heard a knock on the door . My grandma was standing there with my Sister. They both look at each toher then at me with suprised eyes.

"Here", my sister said grabbing the makeup remover wipes and removed all MY FUCKING MAKEUP.

"JENIFER!", I said angry cause now I have to do it all over again! Great the last thing I need.

"What you look even beutiful without makeup?!", she said smirking innocently.

"Sweety shes right", My grandma said putting her hands on my sisters shoulders.

They both look at each other and nodded. My sister was wearing this wine color dress that was really puffy. Her hair was in curl and was let down

My hair was in a perfect bun and two strands of hair let loose but curl. With a purple flower in it.

"You look so beautiful", My grandma said.

"Yeah now lets goo before its too late!", My sister said.

There were was royal carriages. we enter but before We entered I felt two pair of arms wrapped around me. I look up Dwight was there. He kiss my neck wich sent shivers down my spine.

I turn around and peck him in the lips. He did the same. My sister  were staring at us in Awe. My grandma was staring at us mad.

I heard my sister say something in my grandmas ear and they both nodded and giggle.

We left to the ball. As I look thorough the window The starts shine brighter tonight. I saw a shooting star pass by and I did the most obvious thing cross my fingers and close my eyes. I wish to live happily ever with the man I love. I open my eyes and stared out at the lake wicb hadded the reflection of the moon and flowers and butterflies.

We came to the castle and there were other carriages and as we came out there were news reporters. It look like the red carpet. Well there was a red carpet we walk down the red carpet and there were taking pictures of me and dwight.

He escorted me inside. As we came inside the girls eyes were roaming on Dwight. I was getting jealous. I wamted to beat the shit out of them. I saw some of them staring at my sister and I jealous cause of our title. When My grandma and sister pass they bowed But when I pass it was shit!

Omce all the guest had arrived the violin started playing and people started froming in the dancing floor.

"May I have this dance with my princess?", Dwight ask bowing.

He grab my hand and kiss my knuckles.

"Of course", I said smiling nodding. He pulled me to the dancing floor and.he put an arm around my waist and I put a hand on his shoulder. We started dacing in a cirlce where others were dancing to.

He looked into me eyes and I look into his. His soft pink plump lips. And his perfect jaw line he looked like a goddess. Im starting to fall for this man.

His grip tightens around me and our cjest were close together. He smirk. Ause he got a perfect view of them. I roll my eyes and smack him in the back of his head. He chukled lightly.

This was the dance where we exchange partners. He smirk and let go. Once more we change partner s. I was with this guy my age he hadded hazel brown eyes and he w as a brunette.

He smile at me and hus eyes roam all over my body. His eyes met my breast. All of a sudden I felt uneasy. I saw Dwight with another gurl whos hands were roaming all over his body. I saw how disgusted he was. She hadded orange natural hair woth green eyes. Idk who tf she is!

I quickly let go of hi and walk to the girl.  Peoole were looking at me confused. I tap her shoulder she hadded a smirk. She turn around and all of a sudden I slao her. People were gasping. She got angry and she slap me back. I touch my cheeck and slap her again with all my force and she was sent sliding through the floor.

She was angry and stood up, she grab my hair draggin me to the door. I grab her leg and pull it back she let go and scream in pain. She fell to the floor. I stood up but then she was grabbing my face. I grab her thumb and pull it all the amway back.

She let go and wimper. I punch her in the face and she started bleeding i her nose and mouth.

"STAY AWAY FROM DWIGHT!", I said screaming at her face.

"Hes Mine he was my boyfriend!", she said slapping me again.

"Shtfu!"  I said slapping her back.

We started grabbing each others hair and pulling it. I felt two pair of arms hold me and we pull apart. As I look up, Dwight was smirking holding my waist. And someone ellse was holding her.

"LET GO OF ME DWIGHT!", I said hissing trying to get out of his hold

"LET GO!", The girl scream also trying to get out of the guys hold.

My sister came and she said,

"Both of you arent gonna fight!?"  she ask.

We looked at each other and scowl.

"No, of course not", we said laughing and not trying to get out.

"Ok let them go", My sister said.

We walk camly but then when we were a few inches away from each other. We ran into each othwr and grab our hairs.

"JESSICA BETHORTINA COHEN!", I heard my grandma say.

"ASHLEY JANE HOLLY SMITH!", I jeard soemoen else say. It was queen diana. She was the same age of my grandma. There friends childhood friends.

My grabdma grab my arm and pulled me out.

"What is wrong with you Beth you never act like this, have you lost your mind?", She said. I huff in annoyance and roll my eyes.

I look down at the floor and whined0

"But grandma-",

"But nth your going in there and show tgem whi Jessica Bethotrina cohen is!", she said.

She pulled me in and I hadded A fake smile. Key word FAKE.

We went back and I saw dwight smirk. He came clsoe to me and sat down mext to me.

"Why did you do that?", He ask.

"Are you seriously gonna ask me that?", I ask annoyed.

"I dont but I want to", he said winking.

"Dint you see how she was touching you?!", I ask rolling my eye. With thay his smirk grew wider. Perfect.

We talk and kept the night going

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