Another one

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Why does it feel like everyone is suddenly leaving me behind in the dust. Im in the funeral of my grandma. I dont know how it happen but. Yesterday it was all happy and today its just a sad day.

Its raining and cloudy. Everyone is in the funeral. Were standing in a circle in the grave of my grandma.  Evryone is wearing black. Im wearing a black dress.

I buried my head in dwights chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I cried there. My sister was next to me rubbing my back.

All my family members were here. My cousins aunts auncles, Nephew, etc.

"Beth put the flower", My sister said in a whisper sad tone.

I nodded and layed the flowers in the grave of my grandma.

Grandma, I miss you so much, Why did you have to leave me? I need you so much! You'll always remain in my heart, Ill remember you beautiful blue eyes and the way you said my name sweetly and gently you are the best grandma among all grandmas. No one will foegot your place and title here. Everyone knows you were such a wonderful and magnificent person. If I can go back to time Trust me I would and always be there for you.

Evryone was already leaving and I was crying to her grave laying down next to her.

"Grandma", I sobb out and with a tear falling down her grave. Mudd was getting all in my dress but idc.

"I miss you", I said making a pond of water.

"Jess we need to leave", My ssiter said rubbing my back.

"Jess shes right", Dwight said with concerned and worried eyes.

"NO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!?", I said shoving their hands off my arm.

"Srry sis but you made me do this", She said getting up.

"Guards", she said snapping her fingers.

Then I felt two guard's grab my arm and pulled me.

"No. What are you doing I wonna die next to my grandma!?", I said trying to get out of their hold.

"PUT ME DOWN!", I cried.

"Grandma!", I said.

"Leave me next to her!", I sobb out.

"Hey what are you doing PUT HER DOWN!", I heard dwight say.

"Dwight dont get into this", My sister said.

"But there touching your SISTER!", He said.

Once we were in the castle I ran into my room.

"No jess wait!", I heard dwight scream as he followed me upstairs.

I quickly lock the door from my room.

"Jess please open me", he said in a whisper.

I jump on my bed and let the tears fall in my pillow.

"Why?", I ask disbelief that my grandma is the third person who died.

"Please listen open the door", dwight said.

I got up and open the door. He ran to me and hugg me. I rested my head in his chest.

"Why did she had to leave me?!", I ask.

"Sshhh", he said.

We stood there until Dwight made sure I was asleep. He carrie dme to my bed and layed me down.

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