Chapter Seventeen

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It was no surprise seeing both Kendall and Jade going home that week. Tears were shed and hugs were shared before the models were sent off back to the model house. The surprises kept coming.

Niall was sitting in the lounge area and the models gathered around him like children. The models took their seats on the lounge, on beanbags or on the floor with pillows looking towards Niall as if he was king of the world.

They were hoping this was some advice session. Louis has seen this before in previous seasons in which one of the mentors would come in and chat to them. It was a casual chat, on what they wanted to achieve, what they wanted to get out of being a top model and what they've learnt here.

Niall was the best at advice giving. Louis hadn't really had a proper conversation with him before so it was a little nerve-wrecking, a little bit exciting as well. He was talking to the top man in the business.

"Hello," He smiled, the models cheering back a small hello. "Just thought I'd come visit you guys. Final six. A little exciting, innit?"

Niall kept up with the praising of making it this far into the competition. Louis couldn't feel prouder. He actually made it in the top 6.

The group was small and it was still obvious the group was separated into two. Nick and Demi were the only ones left in the other group and if that couldn't get any awkwarder, Demi seemed like if she was avoiding Nick. It made Louis smirk. Nick had no friends, not like it was important to the competition or anything but still, Nick had no friends.

"So, Perrie. You've been an enthusiastic little jitterbug through-out the competition," Perrie started to laugh, covering her mouth as she giggled into her hand. "And you've really made great progress from being in the top 100 to now,"

"Niall, it's amazing. I didn't think I would make it this far to be honest,"

"Do you want to win?"

"Well, who doesn't? Even if I didn't, I am definitely going to continue with this. This has been the best experience of my life so far and I can't thank my family enough for dragging me out of bed to take me to the auditions,"

"Well, I wish you luck for the future, Perrie. I think you'll do great. You're a pleasure to work with every time," Niall grinned, glancing towards Louis as he started to speak. "Louis, I've seen you progress thoroughly in the competition. Your potential in the modelling career is phenominal. Your ethic is fantastic,"

"Thank you, Niall,"

"So, what are some things you've learnt from the competition? What are your plans for after?"

"I really love it here. I've made some great friends, some gone but it's all okay. I've really learnt to keep patient, to seek out what I need in life before anything else and to put some things before others," He looked directly at Harry during the last line. "I've just really... I'm trying to focus more on everything modelling wise but trying to keep in balance with everything else that makes me happy in life,"

"And what's that?"

"Friendship," Louis beamed. "It's the best thing in the world and without these guys here, I think I might have gone a little crazy overboard with stress,"

Niall laughed. "So, plans for the future then?"

"Being honest, I'm not too sure,"

"What if you win the competition?"

"I know I'm definitely staying in the modelling workforce. I won't be leaving that any time soon. If I won, it would be a great opportunity to really get to know the world out there. It would be amazing to see the world, more of it anyways. I've never had such a great time with people I met over 2 months ago. Perrie and I used to go to the same school and we never even took notice of each other then and now I could consider us the best of friends,"

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