007- Dad

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~"Call me son one more time."~

~Three months later~

Your relationship with all of the Overwatch agents grew as time went on. Especially with Hana Song, A.k.a D.Va. When you both learned that you liked the same things you were immediately friends. You also noticed some differences in the way Hanzo and Genji talk to you. They started to get more flirtatious and you were getting a little annoyed my their behavior. They would send a sharp glare that could cut through a diamond at each other. Hanzo seemed to be more flirty with you, surprisingly, considering Genji was once a playboy. But anyway, it was a warm peaceful evening when, excuse the expression, all hell broke loose.

You were sitting on the couch chatting with McCree when the alarms went off. Agents ran to their rooms to get ready and McCree practically shoved you in the direction of your room and ordered you to get ready. You put on a tight, black bodysuit with white stripes going down the side. You also grabbed your pistol, or healing pistol, as you liked to call it. The pistol strongly healed your allies and dealt small amounts of damage to enemies.

You ran out of your room and sprinted down the hallway with the other agents.

"Who is it?" You asked the commander, Jack Morrison.

"Talon," He growled and clenched his gun tightly around his fist. Your eyes widened in surprise and you started to walk in the direction of the door.

"What are you doing?!" McCree shouted as you opened the door. You looked at him and smiled.

"I'll talk to them," You replied and walked out without another word. When you walked out, Reaper put a gun to your head. "Dad," You said putting your hands up in front of your chest. "It's me."

Reaper took the gun off your head and tilted his head slightly.

"Dad, stop," You giggled while putting your hands down. "You look like an owl."

Reaper grumbled before he hugged you. You jumped in surprise but hugged back. Your dad was never a super affectionate guy so, you were happy to say the least.

"(Y/N)," Reaper ordered when he let go of you. "Stay here." He started to walk towards the door that you came out of.

"Dad stop," You sternly said but, he ignored you. "Dad!" You grabbed a bit of his cloak and tried to pull him back.

"Sombra," he growled into his earpiece. "Grab. Her." Sombra came out of nowhere and locked your elbows with hers and tried to pull you back.

"(Y/N), calm down," Sombra said struggling as she tried to hold you.

"Onee-chan!" You shouted and tried to get out of her grasp. "Let go!"

Everything was starting to get blurry and you felt dizzy.

"Let go...." you whispered as the world went dark.

Double update!!! Things are about to get crazy....😏

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