024- Alone

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"Don't forget what my mama said."

(TW: Death)

Leah (l/n) paced around her bedroom with her hand over her mouth while her husband, Haru, watched worriedly from his position on their bed.

"Leah, what is troubling you?" Haru asked, tapping his finger on the comforter. Leah stopped pacing so she could face him.

"Haru, do you think-" Whatever she was going to say was cut off by a tiny scream. "(Y/N)!" She shouted, running off to her daughter's bedroom.

"Mommy, Tousan!"

Leah ran faster, adrenaline pumping through her veins. Black smoke erupted through the walls and she saw Haru say  something she could hear.

They entered the room and saw your trembling form on your small (f/c) bed. Smoke surrounded your arms and legs as you cried.

Leah saw Haru hastily grab his phone out of his pants pocket as she whispered to her spirit wolf, Yin.

"Yin," Leah cringed at how weak she sounded. "What happened to (Y/N)?"

"(Y/N) is in danger," Yin appeared at your side sniffing at the smoke. "The smoke is-" They growled. "The Reaper is here."

Leah gasped and tried to reach you but Yin stood in her way. "Master I can't let you touch her, the smoke is highly toxic and would kill you instantly."

"But how is (Y/N) still alive?!" Leah growled, ignoring Haru's shouts of alarm. Yin sighed in annoyance.

"I think we both know why she is still alive Master."

"Leah!" Haru screamed and Leah whipped around to see her husband held at gunpoint by a man in a owl mask.

"Reaper," She whispered fearfully reaching for Haru. "Oh my god."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," The Reaper said, pressing his gun harder on Haru's head. Leah pulled her hand away quickly and took a step back.

Yin stalked towards the shadowy figure, showing her teeth threateningly. The Reaper laughed as Haru cried. "Tousan!" You shouted as she struggled to stand.

"Sh, sh, it's ok, it's ok, Tousan's going to be o-" Haru's cries were silenced by The Reaper who took a blade from his side and stabbed him in the leg. He fell to the ground and out of the shadow's grasp.

"Haru!" Leah shouted before turning to her spirit wolf. "Yin, you have to go to (Y/N)."

"But, Master, I have to-"

"I don't give a sh*t!" She roared and Yin bowed their heard in shame. "Please, Yin." Leah whispered.

Yin nodded and walked back to you, sitting at your side. "What do you want?" Haru bit down on every word, clutching his wound.

"I really do like (Y/N)'s room," The Reaper said dismissively. "It's such a nice color-"

"Answer the question a**hole!" Haru yelled. The Reaper turned his head to you and you held back a freighted sob.

"Did you really think that I wouldn't find you Haru?" He said. "The Shimada Clan has been keeping tabs on you, you know. After all, you did steal a lot from them."

"Enough!" Leah yelled, grabbing Reaper's attention. "You need to leave, now."

The Reaper cackled, and dragged his clawed hand across his mask. "I know what you're capable of, Leah. But you can't kill a dead man."

"Watch me."


Blood dripped on the ground as Leah stumbled backwards and grabbing onto your bed frame, clutching the wound. "Master!" Yin barked and snapped their jaw.

"Leah!" Haru screamed before turning to you, crying. "(Y/N), (Y/N), listen to me," He sobbed. "Run to the hills. Don't look back. Please, please, douzo, douzo." He started praying in Japanese, taking his hands off of his wound to clutch them together.

"Silence." The Reaper said, pointing his gun at Haru's head.


"Tousan!" You screamed, crawling towards your fallen father, finding his bloody hand and clutching it. The Reaper tilted his head slightly before turning his attention to Leah, who was still gasping for breath. He ignored her, and pointed his guns at you.

"Please! I wanna go with Mommy and Tousan!" You sobbed clutching onto Reaper's legs tightly.

"Young Master," Yin whispered before collecting themselves and hunching down, baring their teeth. "I won't let you take her!"

Yin charged into you in a flurry of white light. You screamed, digging your fingers into Reaper's boots. A burning sensation appeared on your upper thigh as you cried.

The Reaper stilled, before putting his guns away and kneeling down to your crumped figure. He was still Gabriel Reyes, after all.

"What the f*ck was that?" He whispered to himself while looking down at you. Reaper sighed and threw you over his shoulder.

"No! No! Stop!" You screamed, kicking Reaper viciously. "Mommy! Tousan!" You let out a strangled sob before falling limp into the man's arms.

You were completely alone.


I finished it!!!! We are now around the halfway point in this book!!! Also, I know this is short lol

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