037.5 - Broken Honor [ALTERNATE ENDING]

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  A/N: this is an alternative ending to the last chapter where the reader and Genji get back together. This was a requested chapter.

On the rocky snow-tipped mountains in Japan, Genji Shimada looked down on the town below him and waited. No threat currently faces him as heavy snowflakes fall on his armor and in the distance, the cloudy sky rumbles with thunder. Behind him, Zenyatta stares at a bird perched on a snow-covered branch and tilts his head gently.

Zenyatta's gaze lowered to the snow. "The last remaining members of the Shimada-Gumi have been killed. Curtesy of your brother, I assume."

"I was too quick to judge Hanzo," Genji said. "I had no idea he was taking them down from the inside."

"No one knew what your brother was thinking, Genji, it isn't your fault."

"But it is, isn't it?" A hand placed itself on Genji's shoulder as he spoke. "I trapped him in that wretched cell. I drew him and Jesse apart. Everything that has happened in the past year has been my fault."

Zenyatta took his hand off of Genji's shoulder and moved to float in front of him. "Yes, I'm afraid you did drive Jesse and Hanzo away from each other, but you also drove (Y/N) away from you. You are currently paying for your sins, Genji. Do not lose hope just yet." A hearty laugh escaped Genji's throat then, a beautiful, but pitiful, sound. "Do you think she misses me, master? Do you think she regrets being with me?"

"No," Zenyatta said thoughtfully. "I don't think she does at all."


"You're doing it again, (Y/N)."

"Mind your own business mom." You said with a groan before continuing to pace around the living room. Your son, Hiroto sat in the middle of the floor babbling to himself as he played with blocks and wooden cars. Your mother cuts in front of you to pick up Hiroto and takes him to the kitchen. "It is my business if you're going to neglect your child!" She said sarcastically from the kitchen. You scoff and stop your pacing. "I'm not neglecting him! Being a single mother is difficult!"

You walk into the kitchen just in time to see her shrug her shoulders. "And who are you to judge? You weren't in my life for like 23 years!" Your mother just rolled her eyes as she opened the cupboard to get baby food. "Not by choice." She shrugged her shoulders again before stabbing the food with a spoon.

"Bababa.." Hiroto mumbled as your mother waved the spoon in his face. "You're doing it wrong." You said as mother put the spoon in Hiroto's mouth gently. "Oh yeah? Then how do you do it?" She took the spoon out of the baby's mouth and placed it in your hand along with the baby food. You sat down onto the chair next to your son and scooped up some food before circling it in his face. "Here comes the airplane!" You cooed. "Whooosh!" Your son threw his hands up in the air and opened his mouth up wide so you could place the food on his tongue.

Your mother stared at you in confusion. "What's the difference? You're basically teaching him that it's ok for him to eat airplanes." Your content smile vanished from your face and your eye twitched in annoyance. "Mom, he's almost one year old. He doesn't even know what an airplane is." Scoffing, your mother ran her fingers through the short black curls on his head. "He probably thinks that the spoon is an airplane."

"Oh, would you shut up about the airplane!" You whisper-yelled at her as you shoved another spoonful into Hiroto's mouth. "Besides, it's time for his nap." You lifted him up by his waist and placed him against your hip, carrying him upstairs and to his room, placing him in this cradle. You pressed the on button to the noise maker next to his cradle and turning down the volume slightly. "Goodnight my little angel." You whispered, kissing his forehead before turning off the light and closing the door behind you. You reached for your back pocket and pulled out the baby monitor, turning it on.

Broken Honor (Genji x Reader) [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora