032- Brothers

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"I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone,"

~Twenty years ago~

He felt his feet lift off the ground and looked up. A boy around the age of seven with beautiful wings floated above him, his  small hands pulling him up. "Sorath!" The boy giggled, as he swung his legs underneath himself. "Mummy told you not to do that anymore! And what if Father sees?"

Sorath gently put the boy on the ground and started to pout. "You're no fun anymore Sam! And who cares what father thinks? I sure don't!" Samael looked at the ground and sighed. "You're right Sor," Samael looked up at his younger brother and smiled.

"Let's fly."

Sorath grinned and grabbed Samael's shoulders, lifting him up slowly. Samael felt his brother lose his grip slightly and frowned. "Don't strain yourself Sor."

Sorath laughed nervously as he lifted Samael higher. "It's ok Sam! You're not that heavy." Samael grinned, and looked straight ahead. The church's doors swung open and out came their father. "Sorath," Samael whispered nervously. "Father's coming."

Sorath's eyes widened and he started flying towards the grass. Samael's very found the warm grass and he felt his brother's hands leave his shoulder.

"What in God's name were you doing?!" Their father screeched when he reached the brothers. "I have told you two multiple times to stop this nonsense! And you!" He yelled, pointing a skinny finger towards Samael. "You are the older brother. Therefore, you are responsible for this! You will be punished!"

Samael heard Sorath sniffle and frowned deeply. "It was completely my fault father. Do not punish Sorath. I pressured him to do this. So please, punish me, not him."

Their father grinned coldly. "That is my intention."


Three hours later, Samael came out of his father's office with his head down. Two large bloody marks in the shape of a cross  stung on his back as he walked. He heard feet behind him and a moment later arms wrapped around his waist lightly.

"It hurts," Samael whispered, as he immediately felt ashamed. "I know," Sorath replied wrapping his wings around his older brother protectively. "It hurts, it hurts." Samael sobbed, hugging himself.

"Shhh, I know."


"How're you feeling Sam?"

An older Sorath stood before Samael with his hands folded. Samael frowned deeply and stood. He watched his younger brother carefully before touching his shoulder lightly.


Sorath sighed and hugged his older brother. "It'll be ok, Sam. Besides, I'm coming with you, aren't I?" Samael managed a fake smile before sitting back down. Sorath sat down next to him on the drop ship and looked at the ceiling.

Sorath shifted uncomfortably. He had tucked his wings behind him for the time being and they itched terribly. Samael seemed to notice this and smiled lightly. "You can spread your wings out Sor, it doesn't bother me." Sorath sighed in relief. "Oh thank God."

If his younger brother's feathers in his face bothered him, Samael didn't say anything. Instead he looked straight ahead at a girl who was watching them intently. "Got something to say, girly?"
The girl jumped and shook her head.
"S-sorry," She mumbled. "It's just that-your wings are really pretty."

Sorath smiled at her in thanks. "How long until we get there?" The girl scratched her chin and puffed out her cheeks. "I'm not sure.. maybe twenty minutes?" Samael heard himself groan and put his head on his brother's shoulder.


"You ok Sam?" Sorath's voice crackled in Samael's ear. Samael shot a Talon agent that came running in through the left side door and frowned. "Yeah," Samael replied,  running out of the building. "I'm glad we're in Blackwatch instead of Overwatch though. Did you hear about the sh*t they did to that new recruit? Brutal."

Samael shot another agent and ran into an alley way, hiding behind a garbage can. "Yeah, I did," Sorath said. "It's pretty crazy." Samael snorted and came out of hiding, shooting multiple agents.

"How's it going agents?" Gabriel Reyes' voice echoed in the comms, startling Samael. Multiple 'good' s answered him, Including Samael's.

"They got me."

Samael's heart dropped and he lowered his gun. "Where are you?" He asked as calmly as he could into the comm.

"I'm b-by the old toy factory."

Samael turned the corner and ran towards his brother. When he got to the factory he saw Sorath's wings wrapped around himself and he was clutching his side.

"Hey," Samael said, reaching over to touch his brother's shoulder. Sorath flinched for a moment and then leaned into his touch. "I found him" Samael said into the comm. "Can you send someone over here?"

"No!" Sorath yelled, startling Samael. "No," He said quieter. "I just want Samael to help me, ok?" The line went silent and Samael started to check his pockets to see if he had any gauze. He groaned when he found nothing and swung his arm around Sorath.

"Hey, that's not fair," Sorath tried to laugh before coughing. "I'm supposed to be your guardian angel, not the other way around!" Samael laughed and held his brother tighter.

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