013- The circumference of a circle

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"Stay alive"

"Stay focused (Y/N)" Reaper's voice was laced in concern as you fired another round of bullets into the dummy's head. "Every bullet counts, and every second is precious. Do you understand?"

"Yes." You replied quickly behind clenched teeth. This training was frustrating, to say the least. Firing round after round, while the man you called a father, stood back and observed, correcting you once and a while.

"(Y/N)," Reaper spoke slowly, moving closer cautiously. "That's enough." You ignored him and fired another round into the dummy. He grabbed your wrist and took the small hand gun from your grasp.


He chuckled at your childish antics and set the gun on a table. "You did well today." He said ruffling your (h/c) hair.

"No I didn't!" You pouted, crossing your arms across your chest. You wore a (f/c) hoodie with black leggings and converse. You were short for a ten year old, just 4.5 feet tall.

"Hey," Reaper started, kneeling down to your height. He wasn't wearing his mask, but, instead, wore his casual grey hoodie and beanie with jeans. "Remember earlier when I said that there was no such thing as 'heroes'?" You nodded. Of course you remember the disappointment you felt when he told you that. "I was wrong. Heroes are everywhere and you've got to become that hero yourself."

You gave a toothy smile that showed your missing front teeth and hugged him. You wrapped your small arms around his neck and squeezed. He pulled away after a few seconds and smiled softly, holding your hand gently as he stood up. He guided you out the door and into your room where you started your homework.

Sombra (it auto corrected to 'sombrero' XD) and Widowmaker stopped by to check on you every once and a while as you worked.

"Hey Onee-chan?" You asked when Sombra decided to stop by once. "Can you help me with this problem?" Sombra's face lit up like a Christmas tree as she skipped over to you.

"Yep!" She replied popping the 'p'. "Soooo which one is it?" You pointed to a math problem. "What is the circumference of a circle?! They teach you kids this crap?!" Sombra asked with a surprised expression.

"Yeah," You replied, confused. "What's wrong with it?" Sombra gave the most disgusted face before replying.

"You're never gonna need this stuff in real life!" She exclaimed, making hand gestures to prove a point. "I'm gonna have to talk to Gabe about this." She said before leaving the room. You still didn't know how to find the circumference of a circle and you also had a test tomorrow.

You walked out of your room with the homework and a pencil and walked the halls, trying to find Reaper to help you. You found him in the mess hall and started to run towards him.

That's when the first bomb went off. You heard Reaper scream your name and run towards your fallen body. You groaned and rolled onto your side in pain. You felt someone pick you up and start to run. Two more bombs went off and you felt your self fall out of Reaper's arms. You stood up and ran with him not stopping when the next bomb went off.

The Shimada clan had found the Talon base. You and Reaper were surrounded and Reaper brought you close to him. They had swords and guns and you had nothing. Reaper pulled out a small handgun from his pocket and started to shoot. Ten went down before he ran or of bullets. They were growing closer and you felt a pain rush through your chest.

"オオカミが私の敵を食べる!" You screamed as you lifted up a hand. A sort of black magic erupted from your hand and killed the remaining Shimada-gumi. You heard a wolf's howling before you fainted in Reapers arms.
Happy Pi day!!!!

Broken Honor (Genji x Reader) [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu