030 - Family Reunion

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Leah (L/N) gasped for breath as she watched you be taken away by The Reaper. Using the last of Yin's magic, her hand glowed a faint green as she lifted it over the wound.

"Haru!" He whispered after the wound had closed. Her husband rolled his head to the side and he opened his eyes slowly.

"(Y/N)?" He choked out, and Leah shook her head sadly. "He took her." Haru let out a slow breath as he went limp and Leah put her forehead on his one last time.

She stood up slowly and limped over to her room to pack a bag. On the way out she stopped for a moment and looked at the bathroom door. She walked in and opened up the medicine cabinet, grabbing a pair of scissors and bringing it to her long hair. She cut the locks with shaky hands and afterwards she ran her hand over the roughly cut hair.

She sighed and left the bathroom, grabbing her bag and leaving her home.


A hooded woman with bags in her swollen hands walked through the market slowly, feeling the snow crunch beneath her feet.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" A little boy wearing a Ninja Turtles hat trotted up to the woman cautiously, holding a bag full of herbs. The woman turned towards the boy and sighed.

"Yes?" She said, her voice muffled by the scarf wrapped around her face. The boy grinned and held out the bag. "Mama told me to give these to you!" The woman took the bag from the boy's hands carefully. "What's your name?" The boy asked curiously.

"Leah," The woman said, pulling down her hood to reveal her roughly cut hair. "What's yours?" The boy laughed joyfully and put his hands on his hips before striking a pose.

"My name is King Joshua!" He shouted, pointing his finger to the sky. Leah giggled, and put her hand on Joshua's hat. "You remind me of my daughter, your highness," Leah recalled, playing along with the boy.

Joshua's arm returned to his side as he stared at Leah with interest. "What's your daughter's name?" He shook her hand off his head. Leah sighed and took a small picture of you from her pocket and showed Joshua.

"Her name is (Y/N)," Leah allowed Joshua to grab the picture. The boy gasped as he stared at your face and looked from the picture to Leah. "(Y/N) from Overwatch?!" He said a little too loudly.

"Overwatch?!" Leah shouted, snatching the picture from Joshua's hands and looking at your small frame.

"You haven't heard?!" Joshua asked, pulling his hat over his ears. "She was in Talon until last year when Overwatch found her! She's been dating Genji! You've heard of him right?!" Leah gritted her teeth together as she heard the name.

"Genji Shimada?" Leah asked worriedly. Joshua nodded enthusiastically and smiled. "Do you know where my daughter is?" She asked hopefully and Joshua tilted his head to the side.

"Yeah!" He shouted. "She came by a few hours ago with a few other agents on a mission! It was awesome! I heard that they were going to the Shambali Village!" Joshua pointed to a far away mountain happily and Leah grinned.

"Thank you so much Joshua!" She said, scrambling to get her things. "I have to go now! It was nice meeting you!"


"Master!" Genji shouted, running towards an floating omnic monk with glee. The omnic let out a mechanical chuckle as Genji wrapped his arms around it.

"I don't think we've meet before," You said nervously. "I'm (Y/N), Genji's fiancé." Genji pulled away from the omnic so it could speak and moved towards you.

"I am Zenyatta," The monk said, bowing its head. "It is a pleasure to meet you." You bowed back, and looked up at Genji. Zenyatta put a metal hand in front of your forehead once you stood back up and you looked at him quizzically.

The monk returned his hand to his side and he looked behind your shoulder. Genji looked to and tapped your shoulder. You turned around slowly and saw an older woman hunched over, catching her breath.

"Are you alright?" You asked, walking over to the woman slowly. The woman looked up at you and started crying. "I'm so sorry," she repeated over and over again, grabbing onto your coat sleeves tightly. You looked at the woman and pulled down her hood.

"Mom?!" You gasped, and pulled her to the ground roughly. Leah looked up at you above her smiling with relief. "But how?!" You asked, pulling her hood back up and getting off of her, helping her up.

Leah laughed and hugged you. "Yin saved me (Y/N)," You laughed at her statement and pulled away. "When aren't they saving us?" You let Leah pat your head and ruffle your hair through the hat you were wearing.

"My name is Genji!" Your fiancé ran over to the two of you and dipped into a low bow. "I'm your daughter's fiancé!" He stood back up and Leah welcomed him in a hug before smacking his mask lightly.

"(Y/N), you understand that he's a Shimada right?!"

You nodded and held Leah's hand in your own. "I know he's a Shimada mom. But he's good to me!" Leah let go of your hand and crossed her arms, looking Genji up and down.

"My husband was one of your family's servants," She said, like it was common knowledge. "You best be treating my daughter right." Genji nodded and stood up as straight as possible.

"I will never try to hurt (Y/N), ma'am." He said proudly and you blushed a deep red, burying your face in your scarf. "Please dear," Leah said, as if all her suspicions has washed away. "Call me mom." Genji nodded slowly and hugged you.

"Now," Leah said after Genji pulled away. "I would like to spend some quality time with my daughter. It has been many years, after all."


Oh hey I finished the chapter before the anniversary!
Happy early one year anniversary!
Sorry the beginning of this chapter was so crappy
The first version of the beginning deleted itself and I didn't wanna rewrite it rip
If you wanted an update on the vent from the A/N.... me and SG are sorta ok now??
Thanks for reading!

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