015- Cold

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"I am damaged"


It was so cold.

"Where am I?" You asked to yourself in a hushed voice. Then, you remembered. You frantically looked around you, seeing only your own blood splattered on the floor. The room was dark, with bars on the windows and a single metal door preventing your escape. Your hands and legs were chained to a wall, you had lost a few toenails and it smelled like death.

"Look who decided to wake up!"

When a blinding light was shone in your eyes, you cringed at the sight of it.

"What is this?" You asked calmly, having been in this situation once before. "Some torture room?" A man cackled, and stepped into the light. He was relatively tall, around 6"2, had a crooked smile and ragged clothes.

"Precisely," The man replied. His voice was rough and deep. "It really is a honor to meet you, (Y/N). My name is Samael." You chuckled quietly and locked eyes with him.

"Samael, huh?" You repeated emotionlessly. "How fitting." You spat in his face and shifted your weight to one side. "What do you want from me?"

"I'm using you as bait, my dear," Samael laughed and lifted your chin with his hand. "To lure your dear ninja out of hiding and crush his skull beneath my feet." Your eyes widened and suddenly, you started to panic, thrashing around, trying to break the chains.

"You sick f*ck!" You screamed, spitting in his face. He laughed manically and left the room with a smirk on his face.

He returned a few minutes later with his hands behind his back.

"You see this?" Samael asked, showing you a pair of pliers. You sat still looking him dead in the eye. "These are pliers. And you know what I'm going to do with these pliers? I'm gonna take your nails off."

You were silent. He approached you roughly taking your hand and pulling off your nails. One by one. You didn't scream you didn't cry.

You felt nothing.

Sorry this chapter is so short! ;-;

SHOUTOUT TO SasChesterIplierEye !!!!! Follow herrrrr!!!! She has a really well written tøp fanfic in the works!

Broken Honor (Genji x Reader) [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora