I have a new story out!

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For all you Marvel fans out there, I just published the first chapter of my Loki story called And He Fell! It's not going to be a x Reader but I hope it's interesting nonetheless! Here's a preview:

Loki Laufeyson was born twice. First, as the God of Mischief and Lies and then again as the God of Stories. He really wasn't planning on dying to Thanos' hands, but Fate was never on Loki's side. His mother died first; and the thing was, she never would've died if Loki hadn't told the monster to take the stairs to the left. She never would've died if Loki hadn't been in that damn cell.

After his mother, things started going downhill. Loki "died" and took Odin's spot as All-Father, stripping him of his power and stranding him on Earth. Rumors started surfacing that enemies of Asgard started coming together and planning to bring Asgard to its knees, and Loki, disguised as his adoptive father, chose to ignore them. A few months later, Thor's arrival and the actions that followed forced Loki to shatter his illusion completely. Hours later, Odin died and their sister decided that the throne was her's. Their sister bested them in battle, and Hela knocked Loki out of the Bifrost.

And so Loki fell.

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