021 - Fight

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TW: Suicide Mention

"Red, the blood of angry men"

"Genji, wait!" You shouted, trying to catch your breath as you ran towards your cyborg boyfriend.

Your team lost the match, despite your efforts to heal your teammates effectively. Whenever your tried to heal Genji, he got killed, which made him try to avoid you for the rest of the match like the plague.

"What (Y/N)?" Genji growled as he turned around to face you. He was angry, and you wanted to disappear.

"I'm sorry that we lost, I really tried my best to heal-"

"Well your best wasn't enough."

You didn't say anything, and you felt your eyes burn as they changed colors. Both of the teams stood around you and Genji, stunned by Genji's harsh words.

"Did I ever tell you how my parents died, Genji?"

You studied his features silently, and when you received no answer, you took it as a sign to keep going.

"They were shot. Do you know how terrifying it is to watch as your parents scream for help? To tell you to run, run as fast as you can? And you wish you could do something to help them, but you can't because you a three year old child who is helpless and crying. And you want to die. You want to be with mommy and daddy, but you can't do sh*t because a f*cking terrorist takes you in and makes you think that he's the only person you've ever known. Hm? And then years later you find out the truth and all you can think about is why. Why am I still alive and they aren't? I'll never know," You sobbed, hugging yourself in pain.

"I tried to end the pain, y'know. I tried to kill myself. Because I just wanted to be with my family. I mean, I was lied to my entire life. I deserved answers. But my "dad" wouldn't give me any. So I made up a fantasy world in my mind where everything was normal. My parents were still alive, and I loved a normal life, I went to a normal school, had friends my age, and I was able to be a kid. Cut to some years later, I met you. You became the light at the end of the dark, dark tunnel called my life. And here you are, yelling at me because we lost a stupid match. I hope your happy."

You walked away, letting your tears fall onto the sidewalk as you walked towards the ship.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" McCree pushed Genji to the ground, and started to punch him.

"Jesse stop!" Hanzo cried, pulling him away from Genji. "I know he messed up but that doesn't give you the right to hurt him!"

McCree nodded, panting heavily.

"You're lucky, Genji," He growled. "Next time you won't be so lucky." Genji watched as Hanzo led McCree away through his cracked mask.

What had he done?
Oops. The next chapter may or may not be out sometime tomorrow? I'm not sure yet. 😅

I'm also doing a QnA! Send me questions in the comments!

Anyway, have this filler chapter? 😂😂😂

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