023- Masquerade

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"Dancing through life, skimming the surface."

When you arrived at one of Talon's bases, Sombra was waiting for you, arms crossed and clearly annoyed. She brightened up a little bit when she saw you exit the aircraft, your suitcase rolling along behind you.

"Welcome back hermana!" Sombra sang, running towards you with her arms wide open. You happily accepted her hug, wrapping your arms around her with a huge smile on your face.

"Sombrero!" You said teasingly pulling away, laughing as Sombra muttered under her breath. "It's so good to see you again!"

She led you through the halls of the base, taking you to Reaper. Several agents recognized you on the way, waving and silently welcoming you. You had almost made it to your dad's office when someone hugged you from behind.

"(Y/N)!" The voice said. "Where have you been? I missed you!" You twisted around to see your childhood friend, Erika, hugging you tightly.

"Erika!" You cried, throwing your arms around her tightly. "It's been forever since I've last seen you! Wait-oh my god, you sound different. Did you start transitioning? I'm so p-proud of you!" You squeezed your friend tighter, holding back tears.

"Aw, (Y/N), don't cry!" Erika laughed, wiping away your tears. "I started transitioning a few months ago! I finally convinced my mom and dad to let my start taking estrogen pills!" Erika's mom and dad are also agents of Talon, you knew them pretty well, that doesn't mean that you like them. They hated the idea of their child being trans.

"Sorry!" You wiped the remaining tears away. "I'm just really happy for you!" You looked at Sombra who had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot on the ground, looking at the clock. "Oh jeez! I should probably go! I'll tell you all about where I've been and what I've been doing when I get back! I gotta go talk to my dad, wish me luck!" You smiled at Erika once more before turning away, following Sombra once more to your dad's office.

"Oh, thank god," You heard Reaper mumble when you opened the door. "(Y/N), you're wearing your costume, good.
Do you like it?" You nodded while hugging him, burrowing your head into his costume.

"Jeez dad, your costume makes you look gayer than you already are!" You heard Sombra cackle in the background and you pulled away, letting Reaper ruffle your hair.

"Do they know?" Reaper grumbled, grabbing his guns.

"What? About you being Gabriel Reyes? No, not yet."

Reaper sighed in relief, putting his guns in their holsters before leading you and Sombra back to the same aircraft you had arrived in.

"Ame!" You shouted, throwing your arms around her, feeling her stiffen up and awkwardly hug you back. You looked behind her to see Akande Ogundimu, aka Doomfist. "Ugh, please don't tell me he's coming with us!" You growled, pulling away from Amelie.

"Unfortunately, yes, I am," Akande grunted, clenching his fists together.

"Just don't get in my way," You snapped, rolling your eyes in annoyance.

"Aw, are you still angry that I beat your sweet little ninja to a pulp?"

You practically growled at him, trying to ignore Yin's scolding whispering in your head. You opened your mouth to say something when Sombra put her hand on your shoulder, silently comforting you.

"Aw, c'mon Akande, give her a break," Sombra cooed, smirking to herself. "Besides haven't you been in prison for the last few years? Do you even know what dabbing is?" You smiled softy at Sombra's remarks.

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