Part 1: Hiding- Chapter 1

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      "Hurry! If we take too long, somebody might find us!" I whispered, trying as hard as possible to be quiet. I carefully stepped over a branch and looked behind me, making sure that I would not accidentally trip. The forest around me was quiet, the air hot and humid considering it was the middle of summer. I heard a sigh in front of me and looked up to see the face of my best friend, Rose.

        "I'm trying. It's kind of hard to move quickly when you have to carry a body!" She hissed back at me, raising up her arms to prove her point. Being held firmly in her grasp were the arms of what seemed to look like a seventeen year old boy. She stared at me, awaiting an answer, but I just looked back at her and kept on moving. There really wasn't much that I could say at this point, not after we had gotten this far.

      "I think I see a clearing up ahead." I whispered, my voice disappearing into the night. We had been walking for about half an hour already and my arms were starting to fall asleep.The forest around us was teeming with life, from the owl in the trees to the insects that flew around me, attracted to the sweat that was coating my skin. It really wasn't easy to carry a body.

       "Thank God. I was really considering just burying it here." Rose said and started to walk a bit faster. Her long blond hair that was tied in a ponytail flowed behind her as a breeze blew by, her steps as silent as a cat's. We made our way to the clearing up ahead, both thankful that we could finally be rid of the body. We took the final step out of the forest and looked around us, the full moon was shining brightly on the small meadow in front of us. It was in a circular shape and covered by wildflowers whose colors shone even in the moonlight. It was surrounded by trees, and with the pale silver light shining down on it, the meadow looked almost unrealistic, like something seen only on fairytales.

         "Well, at least he'll be buried under beauty." Rose said, her voice carrying off into the trees then fading off, I silently agreed with her as we laid the body down on the edge of the meadow. We silently made our way into it, looking for the perfect place to bury him. As we moved under the moonlight, I heard the sound of rushing water off in the distance. 

      "I'm going to go look a bit farther, Rose. Can you handle burying it?" Rose didn't even look up as she nodded.

        "Sure. Don't get lost or eaten by wolves."

        I rolled my eyes then walked off in search of the river I was sure I had heard. I walked into the trees and looked around me. I had already been living in Obscura, Pennsylvania for a week, but I hadn't really had the chance to explore the area. It was a town so small that it needed a magnifying glass just to be found on a map, only having around a thousand residents. But it was beautiful, little cottages everywhere and it was completely surrounded by woods. Not that I lived in Obscure, in all technicality I lived right outside Obscura in an unclaimed piece of land. Not that anybody cares about technicalities.

         Hearing the rush of water getting louder I started walking a bit faster towards it. I had not seen a river in about a week, in fact I didn't even know that Obscura had a river. I kept my steps silent, not wanting to alert any animals that could be hiding around. About three minutes later the sound of the river was louder than before and I finally saw it.

         The water was practically shining under the moonlight and the grass around it was sparkling from the dew on it. I sighed from the peaceful feeling that the scenery brought to me. I walked forward, right to the edge of the riverbank, and sat down next to it. Leaning back on my shoulders I stared at the full moon, feeling relaxed for the first time in a while. It had been such a stressful week, having to move and settled down in a new town, and then there was that whole deal with the body that Rose was currently taking care of.

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