Chapter 15

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"So how are we supposed to do this?" Hanuel asked as he stared down at me. I was lying on the grass, enjoying the warm sun shining down on me. I opened my eyes, shielding them with the back of my hand.

"Do what?" I asked him, not really paying attention to what he was saying. It felt so good to finally rest, without the fear of being chased down by angry forest spirits.

"You know, get underground?" Hanuel asked, "You guys said that we were going underground, right?"

"Yeah, we are." Rose answered, "Erida lives in a cave underground after all." She was slaying on the floor, her ponytail now a bun on the top of her head. When she said this Hanuel stared at her, a confused look on his face. I sighed and sat up, knowing that my resting time had been over.

"Alright, let's do this." I said, "But, let me just warn you guys first." My voice suddenly turned serious and everybody turned to watch me, "Erida may look cute and tiny, but she's not. She is old, like really old, as in older than dust old. She's also dangerous, do not let her trick you into anything. She enjoys new toys, so just be warned is she asks you to play with her. Do not get her angry, I do not want to have to owe her any favors for convincing her to undo her spells."

They just looked at me with wide eyes, except Rose who had already met Erida once. Even Sasha had never met her before, only heard stories about her from Rose and I.

"Honestly, with the reputation you're giving me I'll be surprised if they don't run away by sundown." A soft voice said from behind me. I turned around and standing there was Erida. Well, she wasn't really standing, it was more like floating. She walked towards us, her feet touching the air above the grass, the wind blowing her loose purple dress around her. It was cinched at the waist but practically falling off her shoulders. The skirt reached her ankles and seemed to want to fly away from her body.

"Just trying to warn them," I answered, "It is my duty as their friend after all." Her laugh seemed to echo around us, almost as if the wind itself was carrying it. I stood up and stretched, walking to where she was currently floating. She smiled as I got closer, her perfectly white teeth contrasting against her darker skin.

She jumped on me, picking me up and spinning me around in the air. Her long, crazy curly black hair covered my vision and reached up to move it out of the way.

"You can put me down now, Erida." I told her, she pouted but did so. She crossed her arms, taking a sitting position in the air.

"Honestly I haven't seen you for two years now and I don't even get to hug you?" I laughed and patted her head.

"I'm here now, aren't I?" I turned back around and motioned for everybody to come closer. They did so hesitantly, staring at Erida with a wary look.

"Hello." Sasha was the first one to speak, "My name is Sasha Goodwin, nice to meet you." Sasha stuck her hand out for Erida to shake. Erida smiled at her, her eyes getting a glint in them that I knew too well. She floated over to Sasha and grabbed her hand.

"Oh, your eyes sure are something aren't they?" Erida put her small hands around Sasha's face, staring into her eyes. Sasha gasped and tried to step back, but couldn't.

"How do you know that?" She questioned causing Erida to let go of her face and float back, ignoring Eric's angry glare.

"When you live as long as I have you tend to learn some things." Was all she said, "Now, I know Rose is that one over there. We've met before haven't we?"

"Unfortunately" Rose said, arms crossed over her chest. Erida threw her head back and laughed, already knowing Rose's personality. I sighed and waited till Erida had calmed again

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