Chapter 8

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Three months ago

We had been visiting Maine around the time Sasha met Eric. My grandmother had taken us to visit a friend of hers, a nymph that went by the name of Theia. We were staying in a cabin that she inhabited while the two caught up. It was quite small and cozy, very deep in the woods in a part that almost nobody visited.

It happened around a week later, when Rose declared that she wanted to visit the town. We all agreed, well Rose and I did. Edwin decided to stay at home, having taken up a new project to work on. We had been out for around half an hour and since the town was very small, had visited nearly half of it already.

"Do you guys want to grab something to eat?" I asked as we stopped in front of by a small diner.

"Yes, I'm starving." Rose said as she opened the door, allowing Sasha and I to walk in. It was a regular sized diner with a very family-like feeling to it. It was full of teenage kids that had probably just gotten out of school. Looking at them made me feel slightly nostalgic. Because we weren't human and weren't going to have human jobs in the future my grandmother had decided that school was unimportant. Of course she home-schooled us, wanting us to be knowledgeable, but I had never been to school. Neither had Rose or Sasha, Rose having grown up with me and Sasha growing up in a witch coven.

"What would you ladies like today?" The voice broke me out of my reverie and I looked forward to see a young teenage boy. He was probably only sixteen years old with brown hair and dark eyes. His nameplate read Mark, and the minute that my eyes connected with him he gasped. I pulled my eyes away from him, knowing that even when I wasn't using it my magic could affect humans, pulling them in and making them feel attraction towards me.

"Yeah, can I get a burger with fries and a lemonade." Sasha asked, "Oh, and a chocolate cake for dessert." The boy, Mark, nodded and took all our orders. When we got them we went to sit down at a booth, and I noticed all the stares that we got along the way.

Seems like this town isn't used to strangers. Rose spoke in my mind. I nodded at her and took a bite of my burger. I was sitting next to Rose and across from Sasha, having a view of the entrance of the diner.

"I really like this town." Sasha said between bites, "Theia is awesome and her brother is really cute." She smiled and took a sip of her milkshake.

"You met her brother?" I asked. She nodded and swallowed.

"Yeah, it was when you and Edwin went to collect herbs." Rose told me, "He really is cute. Honestly, those green streaks in his hair shine in the sun."

Sasha and Rose kept talking, but my attention wasn't on them anymore. My supernatural sensor, as I call it, was going off in all the wrong ways. I looked around the restaurant in slight panic, wondering what could cause such a reaction.

"Luce, you okay?" Sasha asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Have you seen anything, Sasha?" I whispered, she shook her head.

"No, nothing." She answered, I look at Rose, seeing that she had a concentrated look on her face.

"What is it?" Sasha asked, leaning forward.

"It's strange. It's a feeling of death, yet a death that moves." She answered, not fully looking at us. We sat in silence, wondering what it could be. It couldn't have been more than a minute later when finally we found out. The doors to the diner opened and in walked in three more people. They looked to be human, very beautiful humans, but still human. But there was something off about them, and it wasn't just my senses freaking out the minute they walked in.

"Woah." Sasha said the moment she saw them, her eyes glazing over and her mouth slightly opening. As I stared at her, wondering about her behavior one of the three turned to look her way. I saw their eyes connect and when they did his widened. He seemed shock but then understanding replaced that look and, finally, he smiled at her. When I saw this I held back a gasp knowing what had just happened. Sasha had met her mate.

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