Chapter 13

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The trio had stayed over after we finished speaking the night before. I had gone to sleep feeling rather happy since Sasha had finally patched things up with Eric. When I woke the next morning, I was still feeling energetic and decided to go for a walk in the woods. There was nobody else up, so I snuck out as quietly as I could. Which meant I jumped out the window.

The air was nice and crisp, the trees a beautiful shade of green. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. It had been a too eventful week and I had hardly had time to think. Which I actually didn't mind since every time I had time to think my mind went to a certain someone by the name of Kellan.

It wasn't that I wanted a mate. In fact I'll admit that I was rather attracted to Kellan. Disregarding our first meeting he seemed kind and well-mannered. His looks didn't hurt either and it looked like the pack wanted his to be their leader, not just because he was the Alpha's son either. But I couldn't have a mate right now. Not with a coven of evil witches after us.

Af I was thinking about this I felt a presence suddenly pop up in my mind and heard a rustling in front of me. I saw a small light float up from a bush and smiled as it came towards me. The light dimmed down enough for me to see what looked to be like a very small human, about the size of my palm, with big translucent wings on her back. She was naked with black tattoo like markings all over her body and long flowing white hair, the same color as the rest of her body.

"Hello, why are you here." I asked her. She flew in front of my face, her wings flapping slowly. Suddenly she held her small arm out, as if asking for something. I smiled and leaned my head towards her, until her hand touched my forehead. I felt a cold sensation from my forehead from where she touched me, then my vision went black and I felt like I was floating.

Suddenly I wasn't standing in the forest anymore. No, I was falling rather rapidly towards an empty meadow. I screamed but seconds before I hit the ground I stopped, floating in midair. My body touched the grass which was wet with morning dew and almost knee length. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was, but all I saw were the meadow and hills in the distance all different yet beautiful shades of green.

"Hey, Luce." A voice said from behind me causing me to jump. I hadn't felt any presence behind me.

"Took her a while to find you." The person said, "You moved again, right?" The speaker was a young girl who didn't look a day over thirteen. Her skin was cocoa colored and she had long, wild dark brown hair that reached past her waist. She was about 4'11 and very skinny, the dress she was wearing was practically falling off of her.

"Erida," I said, "It's been awhile." She smiled at me, her whole face lighting up when she did so. Erida Puppet was an old friend of mine, I met her about four years ago when I was thirteen. Though we didn't really ever speak or see each other I still considered her as one of the people I trusted the most.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked her. She tilted her head to the side, which reminded me of a puppy, and pouted.

"You haven't visited me in two years!" She whined, "I want to see you." I laughed at how adorable she looked and patted her head.

"I'll visit you soon." I promised her, "Now send my mind back please. I'm worried about my body lying helplessly on the forest floor." She sighed and nodded.

"Remember you promised to come soon." She reminded me. My vision went black again and I felt myself floating once more.

I opened my eyes, only to quickly close them once again. Darn sun shining right above me, I thought and turned my body to the side to avoid staring at it. I opened my eyes again only to find myself staring into bright silver eyes.

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