Chapter 5

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Unlike Edwin, the rest of us could not smell other supernatural creatures. Instead we had different forms of knowing who was around us. Rose, as a Banshee, could sense other life forms around them and tell what they were. Sasha could 'see' them whenever she wanted to, as long as it wasn't a species that had human qualities to them. I, on the other hand, could sense them. It was a feeling in the back of my mind that alerted me to my surroundings, and allowed me to sense if danger was near too.

I was usually thankful for my senses, except when I woke up at around ten in the morning after sensing that a wolf was near. More specifically werewolf, not that there was much of a difference except that one had a more pleasant feeling than the other. I got up from my bed and ran to my closet, throwing my pajamas off to the side. I grabbed the first thing I saw and raced to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I washed my face really quickly afterwards and raced out of my room. I could clean it up later, knowing why I sensed a werewolf near was priority.

When I got to the living room I saw that Edwin was already there, his black hair perfectly combed back and dark shadows under his eyes. Next to him was Sasha, her eyes glazed over and her body leaning on Edwin's. I walked up to them and sat on the couch facing theirs. I looked at Edwin and noticed that he looked extremely tired.

"Did you sleep last night?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled. It was a small smile that was obviously forced, causing me to frown. "I'll take that as a no."

"I was working on one of my inventions." He said, as if that justified him not sleeping at all. Again.

"You need rest, Edwin."

"You know I can't sleep, Luce." I kept my eyes focused on his, the red in them darker. I sighed and dropped the subject, knowing better than to push him. I sat back on the couch watching Sasha and waiting for her to wake up from her trance.

"What did you see?" I asked her when she finally blinked. Her eyes had turned back to their dark green instead of the muddy green they were when she was seeing. That was what we called her ability, seeing. As a witch Sasha was able to cast the basic spells, such as stopping small fires as she did with the oven last night, but she was not able to cast more powerful spells. At the age of thirteen, when young witches come into their full power, Sasha had failed to complete the ritual that would tell her what her powers were. Being unable to be of use to her coven, she was kicked out and my grandmother found her wandering the streets of New York.

But, what the coven didn't know, was that instead of being able to cast powerful spells and call upon spirits to serve her, Sasha was able to see things other people couldn't. She could see what any person was doing at any given time, their aura and sometimes she even got visions. It was very useful for us, who were on the run from our enemies. Unfortunately the witches chasing us were working with other supernatural creatures, which dampened Sasha's powers as she had trouble seeing supernaturals that weren't at least partly human.

"Werewolves are coming over. They are inviting us to dinner tonight." She got up from the couch and stretched, the sunlight coming from the windows making the red in her hair more prominent.

"Weren't they just trying to kill us yesterday?" I asked, shocked that the wolves would seek us out so quickly.

"Apparently you being the Alpha's mate changes things." She teased me, making me groan out loud.

"Doesn't running away from a group of angry werewolves in the middle of the night just to escape from him give the guy a hint that I don't want to be with him?" I had just runned away from him yesterday, I did not need to see him today too. We hadn't exactly gotten off to the best start and I had no want to make amends. There were other things that I needed to take care of first before I even started thinking about a soulmate.

Illusion- Obscura Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now