Chapter 6

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"Why would he shift in front of you?" The question came from Peter, who had decided to break the silence that had settled over the room.

    "He probably thought that we were with Jonathan." I shrugged, "I don't really remember much after that."

    "We woke up in our rooms the next day." Rose said, "Grandma acted as if nothing had happened. The only way we knew that it had not been a dream was that Jonathan and Sarah came to visit us. After that we became friends, and when we had to move again Susan and I decided to stay and live with them."

    After she finished telling the story there was silence once again in the room. It wasn't very uncomfortable, just slightly tense. I wished that I had tea or something so that I wouldn't have to just sit here and wait for someone to speak.

    "Wait, so I understand about the you guys knowing about supernaturals and all. But, what about the robot?" Peter asked. I just smiled and looked at Jonathan, who was calmly sitting and sipping what seemed to be coffee. When did he even get that?

    "Johnathan, why don't you tell them about the robot?" My voice was sickly sweet, feeling slightly happy that Jonathan would have to explain why we had to burry a robot to the werewolves. It was partly his fault that we were in this situation anyways.

    "I built it." He said taking a sip of his coffee. We waited for him to say something else, but he didn't. That was his wonderful explanation. Sasha started giggling, her hand going up to cover her mouth. I sighed and leaned back on the couch. That was how Edwin had always been after all.

    Peter and Brandon simply looked shocked, but then Peter just nodded his head. "I see, I see. I understand."

    "You do?" Brandon asked, looking at Peter. I was wondering the same thing.

    "Well, I think that it's time for us to go." Peter simply answered, slapping his hands on his knees and standing up. Brandon glared up at him, apparently not liking being told what to do, but he stood up too. When we saw that they were about to leave both Sasha and I got up to show them the way out. Well, Sasha to show them out, I got up in case they were planning on suddenly attacking us.

    "Thank you for visiting us, have a nice day." Sasha said while pretty much pushing them out the door. The wolves went along with it, but suddenly stopped as they got to the door.

    "Here, you should come." Brandon said as he handed Sasha a card and walked out. Peter smiled at us and waved, closing the door behind himself. I walked over to Sasha to see what the wolf had given her.

    "What is it?" Rose asked, still sitting on the couch.

    "An invitation to celebrate the new Alpha's 21st birthday." Sasha answered. I stood beside her and raised an eyebrow as I read the letter.

Joshua and Marie Avery

Cordially invite you to celebrate

Kellan's Avery 21st birthday

    "Yeah, we're not going." I said as I turned around and went to my room. There was no way I wanted to see him again.

    "I cannot believe we're here." I said as I stood outside the gates of what was definitely a way too big house. I did not like this. At all.

    "Come on, Susan." Sasha said as she hip bumped me, "It won't be that bad." I glared at her and she laughed, going to where Edwin was currently pressing the call button. Rose came up to me and smiled.

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