Chapter 16

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A month passed in peace before we all started to go a little crazy. Everybody had settled into a peaceful routine and they had even been getting along with Erida, even Hanuel, although they did tend to keep her at arm's length. The cave was very big and even had an underground hot spring to bathe in along with all the necessities necessary for a comfortable lifestyle.

Yet there was something about simply knowing that you were underground hiding that tended to drive people insane. That's why, after a breakfast argument between Sasha and Thomas, Erida decided that we were all going to drive her insane and kicked us out of the cave.

"You are all going to go explore a nice, big city in Ireland," She yelled as she stuck her hand into a wall and it turned into a portal, "You will all be allow to come back only after nightfall, not a second earlier."

The next moment we were each picked up by Jebril and thrown to the portal. I landed on my backside and found myself alone in an alleyway.

Rose, where are you? I asked as I stood-up, shaking off the dirt from my clothes.

I'm behind a store called Jame's Baked Goods. Where are you? Walking out of the alleyway I looked around, trying to see if there was a store with that name around. But, I soon realized that there were only houses around, not seeing a single store.

Is anybody else with you?

No, I'm alone. I shook my head at her answer, knowing that Erida had played us.

Can you imagine Eric and Sasha right now? I snickered out loud just from the thought. They hadn't separated at all in the last month and being away from each other must have been driving them crazy right now. I waited for Rose's answer, but didn't get one. It slightly made me worry, but I decided not to think too much on it. If there was one thing Rose could do it was to take care of herself.

Walking down the streets, I appreciated the beautiful day. There was a nice breeze blowing and the temperature was just right for me. Eventually, I reached a park and decided to sit down on the swings, something I hadn't done in a while. As I made my way over I smiled at the group of little kids running around, playing what seemed to be tag.

I reached the swings and sat down on one. I slowly kicked myself off the ground and let the momentum take over. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the sun shining down on me and the sound of the birds chirping.

Maybe Erida had been right and we needed to get away from the cave. That was when I decided to spend the rest of the day relaxing and trying not to think about all my problems. Sadly, when I opened my eyes again that plan went out the window.

There was a woman walking quickly down the street, clutching her bag tightly against her chest. Her curly hair was frizzy and wild, her brown eyes big with fear and she looked pale even under her tan skin. She was wearing a white summer dress that was ripped at the bottom and looked for all intents and purposes like she had just been the victim of a crime.

But, that wasn't what made me decide to go up and talk to her. No, it was the fact that when I saw her the feeling of werewolf went off in my mind, yet I could tell that she was human. I walked towards her, standing in the middle of the path.

"Excuse me," She said, her voice soft and with a slight spanish accent. Yet, I simply blocked her way again when she tried to sidestep me. At this she glared at me clutched her bag tighter.

"Can you please let me pass?" I shook my head and stepped into her way again. She looked behind her and seemed to panic.

"Look, I have no time for this. " She said, "I also have no money, so don't think that you'll get anything from robbing me!" Stepping forward she pushed me out of the way and I stumbled a bit.

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