Chapter 19

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Well, Kellan had obviously taken our separation very hard if his current anger had anything to do with it. He was glaring at me, his eyes switching rapidly between golden and grey. It looked like a storm was raging in them and it was scarily beautiful.

I didn't like the thought that he was angry at me, it made my stomach and heart clench. Though, in all honesty, I probably did deserve his anger.

"Susan," he growled, his wolf obviously fighting for control.

"Kellan," I answered and tried to take a step back and run the heck back upstairs to the safety of the random room I had been put in yesterday. But his growl put a quick stop to that, the pure animalistic sound of it throwing those plans out the window. I could just use my power and get myself out of here without him knowing, but the thought of tricking him again made me uncomfortable.

"Oh, Kellan ye met her already?" Finnian asked him. Kellan turned towards Finnian and grabbed his shirt in his hand, looking as if he wanted to punch him.

"Don't address her so familiarly," He ordered him. Andrew reached out and pulled Kellan back, quickly glancing to the person beside Finnian, a man that I had yet to meet.

"I take it she's your runaway mate, huh?" Unknown Man asked Kellan, who was still glaring at me.

"Wait, ye his mate?" Finnian asked, which I just ignored since my whole attention was currently on Kellan. I swear, if he made any sudden moves I would make myself disappear so fast, even if he would uncover my secret.

"What are you doing here, Susan?" Andrew asked me, still holding a heavily breathing Kellan back.

"Oh, you know," I said dismissively, "Nothing really. In fact, I was just about to leave." I turned around, about to head back upstairs when Unknow Man decided to speak up and interrupt my escape.

"Wait, why was I not aware that we had her in our Pack House?" Finnian and I shared a look, silently telling the other to say nothing. Kellan growled again, louder than before, and struggled against Andrew's grip.

"Uhm, you see, Finnian and I met yesterday and things just.... Happened. Yeah, they happened really fast and there was no time to introduce me. Also, I'm leaving so there really is no point in introducing me now." I quickly said, cursing my nervousness. I'm usually great at excuse making, but Kellan's presence made me tongue-tied. Darn

"Things just.... Happened?" Kellan asked, no longer growling. In fact, his voice was deadly calm which I thought was even scarier than his growling, "What exactly happened that you are walking around a Pack House wearing nothing but a man's sweater after leaving your mate and going to another fucking country?"

Well, when he put it that way it sounded much more scandalous that the situation actually was. Unknown Man and Andrew gave me expectant looks, both looking angrily at me, though Unknown Man was also shooting disapproving looks at Finnian. Finnian looked a weird mixture of amused and unnerved.

"Now, Kellan there is a perfectly good explanation for all of this," My voice came out calmed and controlled, "Right, Finnian?" Kellan growled when I said Finnian's name and Finnian himself gave me a 'don't drag me into this look.'

"Yeah, the lass is right," Finnian said, "Ye don't have ta worry about anything. She just 'elped me get together with me mate is all." At his words all three guys shot Finnian a surprised look.

"Oh, Juliet and you are together now?" Unknown Man asked to which Finnian nodded. Kellan looked a little bit calmer, now that he knew that Finnian and me weren't trying to make babies together and Andrew... Well he always looked angry to me.

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