Chapter 4

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Running away from werewolves was not as fun as it sounds.  Huge, furry creatures chasing after me had never exactly been my idea of a good time. Rose was running next to me, her blond hair flowing behind her, as she slightly panted from having runned so long. I was also starting to feel tired, but apparently the wolves chasing us did not know the meaning of that word. I could feel their steady footsteps behind us, not once faltering. I knew that they weren't fully chasing us, as they could have easily caught up to us with their increased speed and all, which made me wonder what they really wanted. Not that I was going to deliberate much on that, I had no desire to be caught by them.

We were almost to the end of their territory and I was starting to feel relief. The wolves were slowing down, most of them stopping as they reached the borderline. I looked over at Rose and could see a slight smile on her lips and I was sure that I was getting one too. As we reached the imaginary line that divided wolf and human territory a growled sounded from amongst the trees. Out of the edges of the bushes a wolf stepped out. It was bigger than a normal wolf, with white and black fur and icy grey eyes. My eyes widened as my heart throbbed in my chest, immediately knowing that it was Mr. Alpha. I could hear Rose gasp, recognizing the wolf too.

    Luce? I heard Rose's voice in my head as we both slowed down, but did not stop running.

    Yes, Rose? We were almost near the wolf and I knew that we had to do something to avoid him. I knew that if we kept running towards him the wolves that had stopped running would move towards us, the desire to protect their Alpha stronger than to not hurt their possibly next Luna. Which is why when I heard Rose's words a smirk made it's way onto my face.

    We are going to jump that wolf.

Honestly sometimes Rose is a genius.

    I looked over at Rose and nodded my head. She smiled and we started running faster, at a speed that humans would consider sprinting. I could see the wolves tense, their fur bristling as we kept running towards their Alpha. I was honestly surprised that none of them leapt out at us, I guess their self-control was higher than I thought. I could see Mr. Alpha tense as we got near him and hear him growling. When we were close enough to see the detail on his fur I slowed down, completely stopping in front of him.

    But Rose didn't. She jumped up in the air, twisting her body when she was over the Alpha, and landed on the other side. She picked herself up immediately after and kept running. Rose's jump had caught the wolves attention, but not the Alpha's. The entire time he was looking at me, his icy grey eyes reminding me of the clouds that formed during a thunderstorm. I thought that he would keep me there forever, bound to his eyes, unable to look away. But he didn't, he simply stepped aside, his giant body moving over for me to pass.

    I knew that I should question his behavior, wonder why in the world an Alpha wolf would allow his mate to get away from him when he just found her. But, to be honest, that thought didn't even cross my mind. I simply ran after Rose, not once looking back.

    It had been too long a night.

    As we made our way back to our house I was thinking about the strange encounter in the forest. Rose and I had stopped running after we had crossed the borderline and had not been able to see the wolves anymore. But, the Alpha's eyes had not left my mind the entire time, nor had his strange behavior. It was weird that he had let me go so easily, especially after he had publicly claimed me in the forest.

    "Stop thinking about him." I heard Rose tell me as we walked the dirt path that eventually lead to our house. I turned to look at her, her blonde hair a mess after all the running and dirt was smudged on her cheeks, yet anybody could tell that she was beautiful.

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