Chapter 11

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Edwin turned to his human form and walked towards us, the area where the battle had happened mostly ruined. The tree the demon had hit was dented and wherever Edwin had touched was burned. It was a good thing nobody ever wandered this far out.

"We have to leave." Was the only thing he said when he reached us, walking right past us. Rose shook Sasha awake, causing my sight to return to normal and jumped down to the ground with her.

"What do you mean 'we have to leave'?" She asked, carrying Sasha on her back. Sharing her power drained her, especially sharing them with all of us. She would be in a drowsy state till tomorrow, probably.

"You heard what the demon said. Our position is compromised." Was the only explanation he gave. He kept walking through the forest, not seeming to be in a hurry. I followed after him, knowing the other reason we had to leave that he hadn't said.

Vampires had given our position away.

We had only gotten about five feet away from where we were when I became aware of a presence behind us. It hadn't been there before, making me turn around quickly. Behind us were the shocked looking vampire trio, their faces paler than usual.

"When did you get here?" I asked, my voice harder than usual.

"Wh- what are you?" Hanuel asked, his voice almost a whisper. I had to hold back a grin at his question. A vampire asking a fae what they were? Honestly, just because most supernaturals were unaware of other species did not mean that they had to be this shocked. They must have known that there were more supernaturals than just witches, vampires, and werewolves.

"Unimportant," Rose said, "I mean, seriously. I didn't even feel you guys around and then you pop out of nowhere asking us what we are in the middle of the night after following us into the woods? Creepy."

At her words instead of looking even mildly embarrassed, they just looked angry. Eric took a step forward, his eyes going from their typical dark brown to red. At this Rose glared at him and scoffed.

"This is what I hate about you Creatures." She said, "You have no control." This caused Eric to growl, Thomas putting a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down. Hanuel looked at us confusion written all over his face.

"What do you mean Creatures?" He asked, "And you guys are obviously not human, not after what we saw back there." I sighed, I knew that we would have to tell them sooner or later. And after what the demon had said later was much more preferable. I didn't know if they were just playing the innocent card or if they truly had no idea about what was going on.

"We owe no answers to you." Edwin said, his voice monotone as usual. His eyes were harder than usual and I knew that he suspected them too. It was kind of hard not too.

"The hell you don't." Eric growled, "I don't care what you are. I want to know what the hell that was back then and why my mate hasn't woken up yet."

"Listen here you-" Rose started, but I cut her off. It would do us no good to fight here, not until we had all the pieces to the puzzle.

"Look I know you must be confused." I said, "But you have to understand that we can't tell you everything yet." Eric growled and I glared at him, "Sasha is okay, she's just tired from using her power."

"Power? What power?" Eric asked, "Why didn't I know that she had powers?"

"Why didn't she know that you were a vampire?" I shot back at him, causing him to stop pacing and stare at me.

Wait, vampires? I heard Rose through the link, Like the ones that told the witches were we are sorta vampires? I glanced at her and nodded.

Illusion- Obscura Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now