End of Part 1- Chapter 20

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I leaned against the tree, both my legs wrapped tightly against the branch that I was sitting on. I was about ten feet off the ground with Sasha next to me so that I could keep her safe if anything happened. We had decided that it was best if I stayed behind this time considering that I could not escape as fast as Rose and Edwin could. Remaining with Sasha would allow me to use my powers and monitor the situation at the same time.

The pack was currently fighting the demon near their border, but the demon kept moving closer and closer to the Pack House each passing moment. They were holding up pretty well considering the situation, but many wolves were already hurt and they would probably tire out before defeating the demon.

We have the demon in sight Rose's voice came to my head Can we proceed?

I double checked just to make sure that their scent was hidden and that their appearance was changed. Instead of Rose and Edwin they would see two young men dressed completely in black with their faces covered by masks. It wasn't exactly subtle but it was a whole lot easier to keep than to change their appearances completely.

Rose, Edwin you guys can go in now. I didn't receive an answer but the next moment Edwin was attacking the demon. The moment he stepped in the wolves back off and stared in confusion for a second. They were bleeding and breathing heavily, signs of their intense battle with the demon.

A sandy colored wolf, much bigger than the rest except for a midnight black wolf next to him took a step forward, as if to help Edwin. The instant he did that Rose appeared in front of him and shook her head. She made a sign to all the wolves to stay back and they did so, though they didn't really seem pleased. But I guess not having to keep fighting the demon beat their pride.

Edwin was keeping up with the demon's speed, clawing and punching it like he did so on a daily basis. Which, he kind of did once to be honest but they didn't know that. This demon wasn't like the last one, instead it had the silhouette of a half man half... something like a goat. I wasn't really sure since it was made of shadows but then again it didn't really matter since it was going to die soon. There were two curved horns coming from the side of it's head and it also had three segmented tails.

Edwin currently had it on the ground with flames spreading around them. The things was screeching, a sound that was straight from a nightmare. Rose suddenly turned and screamed back at it. Her scream was what she like to call a 'warning scream' it was loud and definitely not human. It resonated through the ground stirring up dust and shaking the trees. Though, unlike the terrifying sound of the demon's screech hers was a lot more melodic in a way. Still horrible, but not as bad.

The demon stopped making that horrible sound as soon as it heard Rose. In fact, it completely froze. This gave Edwin the opportunity to stab the demon with his hand and burn it from the inside out. Soon there was nothing were the demon was, just the scorched ground.

The wolves stood around in silence before the sandy wolf, who I was guessing was Allen based on his size, took a step forward and shifted.

"Thank you for your assistance," He told the still figures of Rose and Edwin, "May I ask for your names?" Rose and Edwin shared a glance before I heard her voice in my mind.

Make us disappear, we have to go. I nodded at her, though she couldn't see me, and made their presence disappear as they jumped up to a tree branch and came towards Sasha and I. The moment they left the wolves Sasha's eyesight was gone and I had remove the illusions cast over them.

"Well, they can take that as a no." I said and stretched. Sasha laughed next to me and nodded.

"A very firm no." She said and looked over the forest, waiting for them to come back.

Illusion- Obscura Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now