Chapter 7

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"Ugh. He must think we're idiots." I groaned as I sat down on the couch in the living room. Rose giggled and stayed standing by the doorway.

"Yeah, but at least he thinks you're a cute idiot." She said, causing me to glare at her. I was not in the mood for her comments right now, not after the stressful night we had had. I looked at Sasha, who was standing by the window, staring intently outside.

"What was it that you saw?" I asked her. She did not look away, she simply kept staring outside. Her body lines were rigid and she looked ready to run at any minute. I was not too worried, since if she had seen something that would endanger us she would have told us right away.

"She saw Eric." The comment came from Edwin, who had been sitting in the couch in front of me. When I heard what he said I gasped and stared at Sasha.

"Eric is coming?" Rose asked, her voice a mere whisper. Sasha merely nodded, not moving. I could understand why she hadn't told us what she saw now. Sasha had run away from Eric three months ago, and I knew that she hadn't been planning on seeing him so soon.

"When is he getting here?" Edwin asked, which honestly surprised me as it was the first time he had shown interest in something else other than his inventions since we had moved to Obscura.

"When I saw him in my vision he was only twenty minutes away." She said, "And Edwin I would appreciate it if you stayed out of my mind."

"You know I don't like looking into other people's minds." Edwin said, "But, the vision was so strong you were practically pushing it into me." He stood up and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. "We only have five minutes left till he gets here."

I closed my eyes and leaned back, trying to relax. I knew we couldn't avoid seeing him, considering that he and Sasha had unfinished business. If Sasha had chosen to stay and meet with him, then I would respect her choice. As long as he did not harm her in anyway then I could handle being in the same room as him.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Sasha?" I heard Rose ask her. Honestly, I was wondering the same thing.

"I have to, Rose. You know that. I've run away from him long enough." After she said this I felt a presence nearing us. It was an odd sensation, one that I hadn't felt in a while. Unlike the werewolves it felt much less wild and in tune with nature. Instead, it exuded control and power.

"He's here." I said and opened my eyes, standing up. Edwin had already stood up and was standing next to Sasha, with Rose on her other side. I smiled, knowing that even if things went sour, she would have all of us for support. A knock on the door cause the tension in the room to suddenly rise, but Sasha took a deep breath and calmly opened the door.

Standing on the other side was a young man that seemed to be in his mid twenties at most. His hair was a light blond, so light in fact that it almost seemed silver. It was slicked back, which only made his angular features and dark eyes that much more noticeable. He was tall, probably around 6 feet and his frame lean, built for fast movements instead of strength. The shadows falling across his face made one notice just how pale his skin was, seeming almost translucent. Standing there, with only the light of the lamp on the far side of the room to allow us to see him by, he truly looked like an angel.

But I knew that his attractiveness was just another trait of his kind, another weapon for him to use in his hunt. Vampires were always beautiful.

"Sasha." He whispered and moved to get closer to her. Yet, before he could hug her Edwin was standing in front of her, causing Eric to step back.

"Don't touch her." He growled, the air around him suddenly changing. The temperature in the room got much hotter, making it harder to breathe. I quickly walked over to Edwin and grabbed his arm.

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