Chapter 12

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Back to Present Time

Eric was sitting on the couch across from us with Sasha by his side, her hand in his. The room was quite, the atmosphere tense but they didn't seem to mind or even be aware of it. They would quietly glance at each other, small smiles in their faces as if they were sharing a private joke that nobody else could even begin to guess at.

It was cute in a gross kind of way.

"So, I guess you forgive her then?" I asked him. It had been our biggest fear, that he would come back and not forgive her, hurting her even more. Eric looked at me, a serious look in his eyes.

"There was never anything to forgive." He was almost glaring at me, but he didn't seem to be angry. Honestly if anything he seemed... hurt.

"Good." Rose's voice was angry, "Because if you were intending to hurt her..." her threat hung in the air, letting us guess the ending. Eric's eyes flashed red and he made a slight hissing sound.

"I would never-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before a scream outside interrupted him. I immediately stood up and placed a barrier around the house. Edwin was already out the door with Rose close behind him. And of course Eric had placed Sasha behind him, making sure she wouldn't get hurt.

Ugh, the mate bond. Seeing them reminded me of a certain werewolf I had run away from just over an hour ago.

"Show yourselves." Rose called out. Nobody did.

"I don't think that's how it quite works." I whispered, stepping next to her. I closed my eyes and expanded my senses, trying to find where the intruders were. I senses two life forces up in a tree about ten feet away. They were oddly familiar and I realized that I knew who the intruders were.

"Thomas, Hanuel." I called out, "Come on down from there. I think you'll be more comfortable inside than in a tree."

"They were supposed to stay hidden." I heard Eric muttered, "As in quiet." I laughed quietly as Eric and Thomas jumped down from the tree.

After Thomas and Hanuel had jumped from the tree we had all sat down in the living room again. There was a sort of heavy silence in the air, the kind that nobody wanted to break. It was obvious they had questions for us, afterall the last time they saw us Edwin had just fought a demon and they must have woken up alone in the forest. Not exactly the best way to part.

"So..." Hanuel's soft voice broke the silence, "You guys aren't human?" Eric groaned and Thomas looked away, causing a confused look to cross Hanuel's face.

"What?" He asked, "Don't act like you guys weren't wondering that too." Thomas calmly looked back at Hanuel.

"I think that was already obvious." He pointed out. Hanuel thought about it and nodded.

"True, but still what are you guys?" We all looked at each other after he asked that.

Do they still have a witch tracer on them? Rose's voice floated through my mind and I shook my head.

I checked when Eric first came here. I told her, Hanuel and Thomas are clean too.

How did they remove it? I couldn't answer her question, but it did make me wonder something. How did they know to remove it?

"Well," Sasha started but before she continued she looked at us. I nodded to her and nudged Rose with my elbow for her to do the same. Edwin said nothing and apparently she took that as confirmation to continue, "I'm a witch."

The silence that followed didn't last very long. Thomas stood up from the couch so quickly that I couldn't even follow his movement and glared at her. Eric was at his side, holding him back before I could even blink. Darn it, they were fast.

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