Chapter 18

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Finnian stared into my eyes, his own eyes holding a look of distraught. I imagined Kellen for a moment, wondered if he looked anything like Finnian did at this moment. The thought made my heart twist with guilt, knowing that I had caused him pain. Maybe that was why I was so intent on helping Finnian and Juliet get together, to amend a little for the pain that I had caused my own mate.

Clearing my throat I started, "So, can you please explain to me why on Earth you thought that it was a good idea to kidnap Juliet?" I quickly glanced at Juliet who had been sitting next to Finnian. Her attention was completely on him, her eyes glued to his face.

"It wasn't suppose ter 'appen that way," He groaned, "I was suppose ter go up to 'er and ask her to go grab coffee with me or somethin'. But, I guess that actually seeing her in person was a lot more than me wolf could take." He looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm 87 years old you know," He said. I nodded my head, ignoring Juliet's surprised scream.

"You've aged very well," I told him, "Don't look a day over thirty."

He laughed and continued, "Most people find their mates before their twenty. By the time I hit forty I had given up all hope of finding 'er. Yet, I still imagined what it would be like to meet 'er. How I would tell 'er how long I've waited for 'er." He shook his head and leaned it against his hand, "I've never thought that she would be a human and that me wolf would take over and kidnap 'er."

I glanced over at Juliet and saw her dreamy expression. I knew that the bond was growing stronger, even with her being a human. And, honestly, what girl wouldn't want to give a guy that had waited almost a century for her a chance at the very least?

"Alright," I stared at him again, "Thank you for telling me. Now, I just have one more question: how do you feel about long distance relationships?"

"I've no problem with 'em." He had a slight glint in his eyes when he answered me, "But, lass, do ye honestly think that I would want to leave me mate's side after spending more than half a century waiting for 'er?" I raised an eyebrow at his answer.

"You do realise that Juliet lives in America, right? You can't exactly expect her to suddenly move to Ireland just because she met you." He just laughed at me and shook his head.

"Of course I donna think that. But, I;ve got no problem movin' ta where ever she is." Julirt gasp and covered her mouth at his statement, but him, being unable to see her shock, simply continued, "Me nephew is the Alpha of this pack and I was his advisor ta 'elp him with the transition. He took over about forty years ago, so I donna think he needs me 'elp anymore. I've lived a good life lass, I honestly just wanna settle down now."

I smiled at him, his honesty touching me and from the tears in Juliet's eyes I could tell she was moved too. Finnian was a good man, though he could do without the sudden mood swings. They would probably stop as soon as Juliet and he hooked up though.

"You're a smooth guy, Finnian," I told him as I stood up and went back to the counter to finish making my sandwich. I actually was really hungry. He silently watched me for about two minutes before the sound of a chair scraping alerted me of him standing up.

"Tomorrow an Alpha from America will come visit us," His voice had turned serious, making me pay attention to what he was saying, "I suggest ye stay in yer room if you donna want to run into 'im. I've never met 'im but me nephew and 'im are good mates, so I donna think he'll be a bad person but ye never know with the kids nowadays."

I laughed at his addressing of an Alpha as a kid and nodded towards him, letting him know that I had heard his warning. Unfortunately I was planning on leaving tomorrow, hopefully before noon if I could convince Juliet tonight. I'll probably just cloak my presence or something.

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