Chapter 1: Awakening

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I woke up with a start as I felt my heart pounding from what I had seen in my dream.

When the Sea and Sun meet in battle, the forest will be matted with blood.

I jolted to my feet quickly as I headed straight for the entrance to camp.

"Frostmeadow, where are you going?!" Jayheart asked as I rushed out of camp and towards the Sunclan border. I didn't stop until I had finally reached the border. I sat down and waited for someone to come so I may rely the message to the Medicine Cat and Leader of the clan.

"Frostmeadow?" I turned my attention to Treefur.

"Treefur, I need you to go and get Spottedpelt, Emeraldpaw and Sunflare."


"Please..." I pleaded and he sighed, but ran off quickly in the direction of their camp. A few minutes of sitting there looking left and right for a patrol on my half of the border and they appeared.

"Frostmeadow, what's wrong?" My brother asked as I looked at at him worried.


"Frostmeadow!" Snowstar called out to me from behind. I frowned and turned my head to see her coming over to us quickly.


"What is the meaning of this?!" She demanded from me.

"I...there's..." I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I looked down at my paws sadly. "It's nothing, I'm sorry Snowstar. I thought I had a vision from Starclan, but I must have been mistaken." I turned and headed back to the camp.

"Frostmeadow..." Snowstar said lightly, but I just kept walking and when I arrived in camp I heard Jayheart padding over quickly.

"What is the matter with you?! You are nothing like the cat you were before the Black Forest battle, what happened to your loyalty?!" He yelled and I felt tears stream down my face.

"Forgive me, Jayheart...maybe I was mistaken that I would be a good Medicine Cat..." I padded past him and into the Medicine Cat Den. I curled up in my nest, closing my eyes as I felt the energy inside of me slip away.

I was never going to be good enough for this Clan, or any Clan for that matter.

"Frostmeadow?" I heard a soft voice call inside.

"I'm here..." I muttered and Icepaw padded into the den.

"Is everything alright? You don't look well." I sighed.

"I'm okay, don't worry about it. I just am having some trouble with remembering why I became a Medicine Cat."

"You are doubting that you're good enough for the Clan." She stated lightly. "I can see it, you are more than good enough for this Clan, you saved everyone here from being wiped out by the Black Forest." I looked at her gently.


"You're worth everything and more." She turned and headed out of the den. I stared after her warmly.

"Thank you Icepaw..." I looked at the herbs stored nearby.

"Frostmeadow?" I turned my attention to Jayheart, who had entered the den silently.

"I'm sorry Jayheart, I know I shouldn't have run off like that, but something came to me last night. I was told that when Sea and Sun meet in battle, the forest will be matted with blood." I explained quickly.

"You wanted to warn Spottedpelt and Emeraldpaw?"

"Yes...But I couldn't bring myself to. I...I couldn't tell them that we would be enemies in the near future...Jayheart, I can't fight my brother..." I felt like I was losing all the resolve I had.

"Sunflare...that's right if there was a war between our two Clans, most likely he would have to fight someone in this Clan."

"It's my one and only flaw when it comes to the Warrior Code, I can't fight my brother or sister for that matter, they come before the code for me. They are family, they always will be...."

"I see, we have to tell Snowstar."

"Are you...going to tell her what I just said?" He shook his head no.

"You have your reasons as I have mine." And with that he padded out of the den. I followed close behind but took one last look at the storage as I felt a heavy weight appear in my chest.

Maybe I was wrong when I became a Medicine Cat, maybe I can't do this...

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