Chapter 23: Frostmeadow's Wish

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Frostclaw's POV

It's been a few moons since Frostmeadow's death. She has been on my mind every day since then. I still remembered what she had told me to do when she died. I knew she wanted me to move on and live my life but I couldn't. I couldn't move on knowing that the one cat that I loved more than anything in the world was dead and I couldn't do anything to bring her back.

Three moons after she had died, Wavepool had another litter of kits and named the only survivor Frostkit, it hurt more than anything knowing that she named a cat after Frostmeadow. I watched as Frostkit roamed around the camp with her mother right by her side. Lightmoon was watching from the Medicine Cat Den, she had a frown on her face a lot these days. She had looked up to Frostmeadow for everything and knowing that she is gone is a lot for her to take in. Watching her sibling padding around with the same name as her former mentor probably stung a lot.

I went to the River Stone to see Icystorm standing there talking with Riverbreeze and Oceanpelt.

"Ah Frostclaw, can you go and patrol with Icefur." I nodded and padded over to newly made warrior, she was bouncing a little bit with excitement for her first day as a new warrior. We padded out into the forest and went to the edges of each of the territories.

"Frostclaw?" Icefur asked after we had finally finished.

"Yeah?" I asked as gently as I could muster.

"It's been a while since Frostmeadow died and I know that you are still grieving over it, but I think maybe if you took on a new mate it would help you cope better." I froze and looked back at her shocked.

That's when I remembered Frostmeadow's last wish to me was to find someone else and move on. But how could I? I said nothing to her and continued walking home. Once we were home I padded over to Oceanpelt.

"Tell your sister she needs to learn to not be so blunt when she tells someone to get over their dead mate." I said harshly and went to the Warrior's Den. I curled up and looked out at everybody talking and being happy. I closed my eyes gently.

Why did you have to die? I can't be here without you...I know that now.

I spent the rest of the day curled up there staring at everyone with hatred. They all acted as if her death meant nothing. Maybe it meant more to me because I loved her but still I'm sure her siblings are still hurting too.

"Frostclaw?" I turned my attention to someone nearby, it was her. Her black pelt those green eyes staring at me endearingly. "My darling Frostclaw, you have to move on. I promise you one day we will be reunited in the stars, but for now you have to be strong and move on from what has happened. I will always love you even if you take on a new mate. I will understand with whatever you do with your new life, but you must move on. Please for me..." She disappeared just like that. I felt my insides being crushed all over again, but I understood why she came to me. I hadn't been doing much good for the clan with the way I had been acting since she died. I needed to move on but how?

I didn't love Icefur. I didn't want to be her mate, she was desperate for love but I couldn't give her that. I'll wait until I find the one I love again.

I went out of the den and looked around. Icefur was sitting with her brother by the fresh kill pile. I padded over and she looked at me with a sad expression. I take it her brother said something to her.

"Can we talk?" I asked gently, she nodded and followed me out into the forest. "Look Icefur I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier, but I realized you're right I do need to move on." She looked at me hopefully. "But I can't be your mate, I don't love you like that. You will find someone in the clan for you but that Cat isn't me. I'm so sorry..." She had a crushed and defeated look on her face, but she simply nodded and walked back to camp. I walked into the camp and saw her padding away to the Warriors den. Her brother came over to me slightly concerned.

"What happened?"

"I told her the truth, I don't love her the way she loves me." He frowned, then padded after his sister as if he would be able to comfort her in her time of need.

Forgive me Icefur.

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