Chapter 6: Frostclaw

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Frostclaw's POV

Everything really hurt. Mainly my side though. I heard what Frostmeadow said about Jayheart saving my life, but what hurt more to hear was when she was in the Medicine Cat Den crying and pleading for Jayheart to come back.

I was laying in the den and watching as she slept. She was shaking so I knew she was probably having a bad dream about something relating Jayheart mostly likely. I attempted to get to my feet when I felt my legs give out. I have a sharp yowl and she jumped awake.

"What's wrong?" She asked coming over suddenly really worried.

"I tried to get up and my legs gave out." I explained.

"Well why did you try to do that?" She asked sternly.

"I'm hungry." I lied.

"Stay here and stop trying to move. You'll need to be in here for at least another day or so for you to full recover." She disappeared from the den and came back moments later with a plump fish. I gulped it down hungrily and then looked at her as she went to the herb storage.

"Frostmeadow...?" She didn't turn.


"I'm sorry..." She still didn't turn.


"'s my fault..."

"He knew he was going to die soon, you didn't cause it. Just rest Frostclaw." Her voice cracked a little and I knew I had hit a nerve by accident.

"I didn't go to the ravine on purpose, I was chasing a shrew to give to y-" I trailed off as I looked down at my paws.

"It's okay, Frostclaw. I don't blame you for his death. He saved you and he died knowing that he was leaving the clan in my paws. I still don't really understand why he was happy about it, but that's what I want to remember is that he was happy when he died."

"Frostmeadow, you're a skilled Medicine Cat. It's only natural Jayheart would be proud to leave the Clan to you. Please don't think you're not worthy of being this Clan's Medicine Cat." I pleaded to her. She turned and I saw the tears sparkling her green eyes.

"Thank you...but I don't believe it..." She went out of the den. I frowned slightly and looked at my paws again.

"Is he awake?" I heard Riverbreeze ask from outside of the den.

"Yes, you may go speak to him but don't try to move him. He needs rest still." Frostmeadow said lightly. Riverbreeze padded inside and smiled brightly when she saw me awake.

"Frostclaw, thank Starclan you're alright." I sighed.

"It's my fault Jayheart died..."

"No it's not." She said lightly.

"Frostmeadow is crying all the time because of what happened. She doesn't think she's good enough to be the Medicine Cat of this Clan..."

"Well then she has to work through that herself. You can't beat yourself up over it..."


"Riverbreeze I need to tend to his wound, you may stay while I do it but you need to step aside." Frostmeadow said as she padded back into the den. Riverbreeze moved and Frostmeadow took over. It hurt so badly when she cleaned it but afterwards all I could see was the sadness written across her face.


"It's cleaned, I'll come back later to check on you." She got up quickly and left.

"She does seem sad, but..."

"Just go Riverbreeze." I stated.


"Please." She sighed but left.

"How can I make her understand that she is everything this Clan needs and more?" I wondered out loud.

Please do not blame yourself Frostclaw, but I ask this of you. Please watch out for Frostmeadow, she is lost and she needs someone to turn to. Please don't let her be alone...

I heard Jayheart's voice in my head.

"I promise..."

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