Chapter 21: A New Day

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I woke up the next morning feeling extremely sad when I thought about what had happened only yesterday. I padded out of the Warrior's den, Skystar was walking around making sure the building of the walls of the camp were going smoothly.

I padded over to him and he stopped what he was doing and smiled gently.

"How are you feeling, Moonlight?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I could be better, but I can't dwell on it forever."

Breezestorm padded over when he saw me finally. He pressed against my side and licked my head gently.

"How are you doing?"

"Okay I guess, as well as I could be doing knowing my sister is dead. So what have you been doing?"

"I'm helping build the wall. You wanna help?"

"I think I might go hunting, we need to get some prey. You can come if you'd like, I'm sure Foxpelt wouldn't mind doing the wall without you for a little bit." I said and Foxpelt nodded as he walked past.

"She's right we need prey." We headed out into the moorland, I sniffed the air and smelled squirrel, shrews and sparrows.

"Definitely a lot of prey." Breezestorm muttered as we both dropped into crouches and split up to go get prey. I managed to get the shrew and squirrel while Breezestorm was able to nab three sparrows.

"Good haul so far, let's take these back and then get a few more cats to help out." I said lightly. We carried the prey back and everyone turned to us as they saw the prey hanging from our mouths.

"That's a lot of prey for only being out for an hour. Do you need more help?" Foxpelt asked.

"Yeah, could you spare Featherwind and Windwhisper?"

"Of course." The two siblings padded over and we went back out into the moorland. They all seemed ready to get more prey but I felt more like laying down. I sniffed the air feeling sick.

Breezestorm looked back at me as I felt dizzy.


"I'm okay, just a little dizzy that's all."

"Why don't you go back to camp and talk to Skyheart, you don't look good." He said gently and I nodded. He licked my head gently and went back to the camp. Skyheart was walking around making sure everyone was feeling alright. When I padded over to her she looked me up and down worried at my stance.

"Come with me." I followed her to her new den. She told me to lay down in one of the nests. I curled up and she started checking for any known illnesses. She frowned and looked at me a little confused. "It's strange I can't find anything wrong with you. You don't show any signs of having any form of illness. But there's one thing I haven't checked yet..." She trailed off and looked at me worried.


"Are you expecting, Moonlight?" I froze.


"Well can I check to be sure?" I nodded slightly and she started checking my stomach she put a paw on my stomach gently. "You're about a moon along. Congratulations Moonlight you're going to be a mother." I got to my feet feeling a little dizzier than I did when I came into the camp.

"I just lost to my sister and I have to have kits..." I muttered and left the den. Breezestorm, Featherwind and Windwhisper were back by now. I padded over to Breezestorm as he set his fresh kill in the new fresh kill pile.

"What did Skyheart say?" He asked a little worried.

"We need to talk." He nodded and we slowly went out into the moorland. Night was falling by now and I felt the stars bright gaze on me. I sat down finally and he sat beside me.

"What's going on?"

"I'm expecting Breezestorm. You're going to be a father." He froze for a second and then smiled brightly.

"That's amazing Moonlight!" He pressed against me happily. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What should we name them?" I asked gently.

"Well for a girl maybe Frostkit..." He said gently. I nodded with a smile.

"Id like that, I think Frostmeadow would too. And for a boy?"

"I don't know, what do you think?"

"Blackkit, in honor of Lightmoon's sister who died. I think it would be a good way of remembering my family." He pressed closer to me and licked my cheek.

"A lovely name, come on we should get you some food. You're probably starving." My stomach growled in response and we both laughed.

"I love you Breezestorm." I said lightly and he smiled warmly.

"I love you too, Moonlight."

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