Chapter 8: Frostmeadow's Past

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Frostclaw's POV

As I padded out of the Medicine Cat Den I thought about Frostmeadow's family. She didn't have any left in this clan other than Icystorm and Snowstar. They all didn't even seem that close, ever since Lightwish died...

She seemed so sad ever since her brother and sister left. I know how that feels, if Riverbreeze left I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

"Frostclaw?" I turned and saw Riverbreeze coming over with our father Whitefrost.


"Frostmeadow let you leave?" I nodded.

"Do you want to go hunting?" Riverbreeze asked smiling.

"No thanks, I think I would rather stay in camp until I'm completely better if that's alright with you." She frowned but nodded.

"Riverbreeze why don't you go hunting with Icystorm." Whitefrost muttered and she padded away to the clan deputy.


"What happened to Jayheart isn't your fault I promise. But I see something in your eyes every time you go to see Frostmeadow. You think you can change her don't you?"

"Jayheart asked me to..." I admitted. "He asked me to look out for her, I will keep that promise for as long as I live."

"You are a noble cat, but don't go losing sight of who you are too. And remember, a Medicine Cat can't have kits. You can't get too close to her, Frostclaw. She is here to protect the clan not to fall in love..." I looked away from him.

"You act as if I'm still a kit. I know what the Medicine Cat Code is. I know what she is sacrificing for her clan." I padded away from him and towards the entrance to camp.

"Frostclaw?" I turned and Frostmeadow rushed over to me, her limp more profound today.

"Are you okay?" She nodded.

"I need some help collecting herbs if you're still willing to help?" I nodded and we headed out of camp. She looked around for a second to pick up the scent of the certain herbs she needed.

I followed her downstream to see some blue puffy plants near the water.

"Catmint, just what I needed for this leaf-bare coming." She said happily and nip them off being careful not to break them in any way.

I followed her lead and nip some off too.

"Well come back for the rest later." She said through a full mouth. I walked behind her as we headed back to camp. She was limping even worse than before. Running yesterday really messed with her leg.

I placed the herbs where she told me to and I saw she was about to leave the den when her leg gave out. I rushed to her side to keep her from falling.

" hasn't been right since yesterday." She muttered quickly.

"Don't mention it. You've saved my life a few times so the least I can do is attempt to help you in any way I can." I led her to her nest.

"I think I can patch it up and teach you the basics while I rest tomorrow. Does that sound alright to you?" I nodded.

"Have you thought about taking an apprentice?" She frowned.

"I don't know..." She muttered sadly. I knew it was too soon for her to be thinking about that but she needed the help.

"What do you need to patch your leg up?" I asked.

"Catmint, poppy seeds, and some maple leafs." I went to the storage and quickly found the materials she needed. She worked quickly and within a minute she was up on her feet again. "Okay first things first. You need to know about all the types of herbs there are and what each of them are used for." She padded over to the storage and started pulling out all the materials.

I listened for what felt like hours as she explained each of the herbs and what they did. When she finally finished she looked at me and laughed a little at the stunned expression on my face.

"I know it's a lot to take in at once so we'll start simple. So say someone isn't feeling well. They have a stomach ache what do you give them?" She questioned.

"Poppy seeds for the pain and some catmint to help soothe the stomach?" I questioned myself.

"That's right, be more confident in your answers." I felt my fur grow warm as she smiled at me gently. "So next we have someone who has food poisoning. What do we do?"

"It's almost the same as a stomach ache only you give them mouse bile to make them throw up whatever it is they ate." I said more confidently.

"Correct." She smiled brighter. We did this for some time before we heard someone walk into the den.

"Having fun?" Icystorm asked as we both laughed together.

"Yup. Just teaching him some things about being a Medicine Cat." Frostmeadow explained.

"I see how's he doing?"

"Great he hasn't missed a question yet."

"I meant his side." She froze and then looked at my side.

"It should be fine in a few more days. He's been cleared to hunt but he asked me to teach him about herbs so in case I had to leave camp someone would be able to look out for everyone." She mustered gently.

"I see, well that's really noble of you Frostclaw. But I do expect you to be back to patrolling in a few days." I nodded and he turned on his heels walking out of the den. Frostmeadow was frowning and looking at her paws.

"He hates me now...for what happened to Blackkit..." She muttered.

"You don't know that..."

"I saw it in his eyes. He blames me for Blackkit's death." She looked after him.

"That's not right."

"But it makes sense."


"Think about it, everyone wants someone to blame for a death of someone they love. I blame Hawkstar for killing my mother. I blame Blackheart for killing Blackfire, I blame myself for Blackkit's death, everyone wants someone to blame so it's easier for them to cope." She explained and went to her nest.

"Frostmeadow, it isn't your fault it's that Black Forest Cat's fault."

"But that cat is dead, Icystorm wants someone living to blame. And I'm the easiest target." I went to the entrance of the den as she closed her eyes clearly wanting to be alone.

I saw Icystorm looking at me with hatred in his eyes. I padded over and glared at him.

"What gives you the right to blame Frostmeadow? She's doing everything to help us and yet you have the nerve to blame her for Blackkit's death. She didn't kill him, that Black Forest Cat did. So stop blaming her for that!" I hissed and Snowstar turned.

"Is this true Icystorm? Are you blaming her for Blackkit's death?"

"I..." He trailed off.

"She did everything she could to save them both. She saved Lightkit. Isn't that enough for you, Lightkit could have died too." I turned and padded away from them as I was fuming.

She didn't deserve to be blamed for the death of Icystorm's son. She didn't cause it, she did everything she could to prevent it.

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