Chapter 18: Trying to Hide

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I had curled up for the night and almost immediately Lightpaw curled up with me as well. It had become a habit to have her there, but then another warm pelt curled up around me. I looked up and saw Frostclaw there. I put my head back down and fell into a pleasant sleep.

"Frostclaw, what are you doing?" Skyheart's voice broke through my dreams.

"Laying." He said annoyed.

"You know you can't love her right? She can't love you back." I felt the warmth disappear from my back. He was about to argue with her.

"Skyheart, leave it be. Please..." I pleaded not opening my eyes yet.


"I know what I'm doing, I know what it is I have to do. Nothing has changed..." I heard her retreating footsteps. I opened my eyes slowly and Frostclaw was looking after her sharply. "Let it go, Frostclaw..."

He looked at me with a gentler expression on his face now.

"She's not wrong you know. She's just trying to look out for us both."

"But that doesn't mean I want her butting into my life."

"You can't hide anything you're an open book but you have to learn and fast Frostclaw. Or do you want our clan to fall apart?" He looked at me shocked.

"How would our clan fall apart?"

"Any clan needs a reliable Medicine Cat, if you tell them what's going on between us then they will doubt how effective I am and then the clan will fall apart for not believing in their Medicine Cat. So for now hide how you feel if you want to keep this clan safe." He frowned.


"No, if you can't do that then there's no point in me trying to give you a chance. Be strong, Frostclaw. Lightpaw's training will take many moons but one day she will be a fine Medicine Cat that this clan deserves and maybe just maybe I can leave it to her." I rose to my feet and padded over to Moonlight and Sunstar.

"Frostmeadow, why was Skyheart looking distraught after going to talk to Frostclaw?" Moonlight asked worried.

"Frostclaw has a temper, he certainly doesn't like being woken up. It's nothing, he said some things he shouldn't have. I can go apologize for him." I walked away towards Skyheart, who was sitting with her head down. "My friend why do you wear such a sad expression?" I asked lightly and she looked at me with a small smile.

"You love him don't you?" I flinched a little. I sighed under my breath.

"If you know then why do you ask?"

"Confirmation. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make a scene."

"You didn't. Frostclaw has a short temper these days. No one bats an eye when he has an outburst." I explained.

"Good, I understand how you feel. I do, I was jealous of Moonlight...that she had someone like Ravenclaw who cared about her and now she has Breezestorm. I wish I could have a mate too, I believe it's something we all want at some point, but you know it's forbidden, Frostmeadow. So why do you try?"

"I try because I only have one life." She looked at me shocked. "I only have one life to live and I want to leave this world happy and knowing I experience everything I could. Lightpaw, she will make a fine Medicine Cat one day, she is a natural at helping others, she follows the code determined. She never once complains, she is nothing like the cat she was when her sister died. I can maybe leave the clan in her paws..."


"With a bad leg and a blind eye, I lose sight of what matters anymore. I can't recognize certain herbs anymore. Maybe my skills would be more useful somewhere else...I plan to tell Snowstar that once we find a new Mooncrystal Lightpaw will receive her Medicine Cat name and become the Medicine Cat of Seaclan. Then I can help hunt and help her when she needs it." Skyheart frowned.

"How lot have you been unable to recognize the herbs?"

"Two moons, ever since my eye was clawed out.  It's nothing to worry about my friend. I will always know where my place is in my clan. I just believe that my time as this Clans Medicine Cat is coming to an end." I padded away from her and to Snowstar.

"Frostmeadow what is it? You look sad."

"I have something important to tell you." She signaled for me to follow her a little ways away from everyone. "I cannot recognize certain herbs anymore with my eye. Lightpaw is diligent and knows every herb I put in front of her. Her training is coming to an end, I have nothing more to teach her, I believe it is time Seaclan has a new Medicine Cat. When the Mooncrystal is discovered I will give Lightpaw her Medicine Cat name and hand Seaclan over to her. I will help hunt and help her when she needs me, but I have nothing else to offer for this clan now that my eye can no longer identify the right herbs. I take there are no objections?" She shook her head no.

"You have done wonderful things for this clan, Frostmeadow. You have more than earned the respect of the other members of this clan. Your decision is respected by me." She pressed against my side.

"I hope I've made Jayheart proud..."

"I'm sure he is very proud of the three of you." I turned away from her and padded over to Lightpaw.

"Frostmeadow is everything alright?" I nodded happily at her. "Were leaving soon, I feel like we're getting close."

"I do too, Lightpaw. I do too."

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