Chapter 22: Sunstar's Request

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After a goodnight's rest with Breezestorm I woke up to someone calling to from outside the den. I opened my eyes to see Foxpelt standing there with a worried expression on his face. I got to my feet and padded out into the clearing to see my brother standing there talking to Skystar. I rushed over quickly and he looked at me gently.

"Moonlight thank you for coming. I was just talking to Skystar about you coming to Sunclan." I froze at my brother's calm demeanor as he spoke.

"Wait what?" I said shocked.

"After Frostmeadow's death I realized I don't want to lose you too, I want you to come home to Sunclan. I want to be able to protect you, Breezestorm is more than welcome to come as well." I shook my head.

"No. I made my choice to leave Seaclan just as you made your choice to join Sunclan. I won't be told I'm going somewhere else. Frostmeadow wouldn't want this. She knew what we wanted so don't act like you know what she would have wanted from us." I hissed and he glared at me.

"Moonlight, is this any way to thank me."

"Thank you?! For trying to ruin my life!" I yelled.

"Moonlight." He said sternly.

"Just because you're a leader now doesn't mean you're my leader. Skystar is my leader and I don't listen to you. I will stay in Airclan as I choose when I came here. Now go home, Sunstar." I turned and padded away from him.

"Moonlight, you're expecting aren't you?" I froze when he said that, everyone in the clan was listening now. I looked back at him.

"Why would you ask that?"

"You're protecting your stomach, just as all the queens do. You're expecting your first litter. I didn't know..."

"Of course you didn't. I just found out yesterday. I don't have to tell you everything. Now go home." I hissed and went to Breezestorm who was looking between my brother and I worried.

"I'm sorry..." He muttered when he saw Sunstar storm out of the camp.


"I brought him here, he said he had something important to tell Skystar...I didn't think twice..."

"It's not your fault Breezestorm. Sunstar should know better than assume he has control over me, let's go and get something to eat." We went to the fresh kill pile I grabbed a thrush.

We shared it together for a few minutes before Skystar padded over with Foxpelt.

"Moonlight, Breezestorm let me be the first to congratulate you on your first litter." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him with Breezestorm.

"Thank you, Skystar." He seemed genuinely happy for us. I look at my stomach at the bundles of joy that we're going to be coming in the next couple of moons.

"Why don't we go for a walk?" Foxpelt asked to me, which kind of confused me. I nodded and followed him out into the moorland.

"Why did you want to come out here?" I asked a little on edge.

"I just was wondering if this is what you really want?" I looked at him shocked.

"Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?" I asked sharply.

"Frostmeadow just died. You think I don't know it's killing you inside? I know you better than you think Moonlight, you were my apprentice." I sighed.

"I do miss my sister, but I also have to live my life too." He nodded.

"I know..." We looked around the moorland slowly. "It really is a nice place to live, Frostmeadow was right." I nodded happily.

"She will always be watching over us and I get t now. I get what she meant when she told me to move on and to live my life. She didn't want us to be sad she wanted us to be happy with the lives we would continue to live."

"I think you're right in that aspect."

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