Chapter 11: New Home?

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I opened my eyes sharply as I remembered what I had heard in my dream, was there really a new home for us somewhere? I rushed out into the clearing and saw Snowstar coming out of her den too. She looked at me and I knew something had come to her last night too. She rushed over and when I told her she seemed surprised.

"They told me that if we left we had to take the other clans with as well or the forest would destroy them." I frowned as she told me that.

"We'll never be able to convince everyone to come with..."

"We have to try." I nodded.

"But how?"

"Why dont you go with Frostclaw to the other clans and see if they will listen to you." I frowned.

"Even Sunclan?" She nodded.

"You're a Medicine Cat, if they try to hurt you they will be breaking the Warrior Code and therefore we will attack them." I nodded and called Frostclaw.

"We have to go and convince the other clans." I spoke quickly as I told him everything.

"Frostmeadow, do you really think anyone will listen to us?" He asked doubtfully.

"They have to our else we'll all die." I stated and we waited by the Airclan border for a patrol to come.

"Frostmeadow?" I heard my name being called and I looked to the left to see Lightkit standing there.

"Lightkit! What on earth are you doing here?" I asked shocked to see her standing there.

"I want to help." I sighed and looked at Frostclaw.

"We can protect her, let her come. I'm sure sending her away will only cause trouble." Frostclaw stated and I nodded.

"Stay close to us." She nodded happily.

"What are you all doing here?" I heard from the Airclan border. I saw Windwhisper, Featherwind and Moonlight coming over to us.

"We need to speak with Skystar. It's a important matter." I explained. They nodded and I padded after them as Frostclaw stayed at Lightkit's side.

"Why do you have a kit with you?" My sister asked as she came to my side.

"She followed us, her sister was killed a few days ago..." She frowned and looked back at Lightkit.

"Who's is she?"

"Icystorm and Wavepool...they're taking the loss hard..." She nodded.

"Where's Jayheart?" She asked as she finally noticed the lack of my former mentor.

"He died..." She stopped abruptly.

"Jayheart died?!" Windwhisper and Featherwind looked at me shocked.

"Yes...I'm Seaclan's Medicine Cat now. Lightkit is going to be my apprentice when she turns six moons old. Frostclaw has been helping me with my work, seeing as Sunclan just attacked us a day ago..."


"He clawed my eye out." I looked at her with both eyes and she gasped.

"He wouldn't..."

"He did. Because I killed Meadowstar, before she could kill Snowstar."

"Meadowstar is dead too?" Featherwind asked calmly.

"Yes...I didn't mean to kill her. But she would have driven us out of our home..."

"What is going on?" I heard another voice come from nearby and saw Foxpelt, Breezefur, and Swiftwind coming over.

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