Chapter 20: Grief

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Moonlight's POV

I stared at her body laying on the ground, blood pooling around her like a beautiful pond. She looked at peace finally. She had a small smile on her face, but I felt the tears streaming down my face.

"Frostmeadow..." I went to her side and nudged her with my muzzle. "Please come back..." I nudged her again, nothing. I shivered as Sunstar came to her side as well.

"Moonlight, she's..." He couldn't even say it. I shivered more.

"She can't..." I shook my head. "She can't be...we just found a new home..." I muttered. Breezestorm came to my side and pressed against me.

"She was a brave Cat. She really cared about you, Moonlight." I nodded and allowed him to lead me away from her body. Sunstar stayed there for a few more minutes before leaving her as well so her clan could grieve as well. Lightmoon stared at her with such sadness in her eyes and Frostclaw couldn't even be near her. I looked away as the Warriors from Seaclan took her body away into their own territory. I followed Skystar into the moorlands that were our new home. I was still shaken up and it was clearly visible. I padded into our new camp and looked around.

It's not the same knowing that the one who led us here is dead...

Skystar padded over to me and frowned.

"I'm deeply sorry for Frostmeadow, she was a noble cat. She will be greatly missed, I understand if you wish to rest for the day and start fresh tomorrow. By all means do so, Moonlight." I nodded and padded to the makeshift Warriors den. I curled up and closed my eyes as I felt the weight of everything make my chest hurt.

Moonlight, I promise you that everything will be better. I know I'm not there for you and I know I can't always be there when you need a friend but I promise you I will never stop loving you and watching out for you. And one day many moons from now you and I will be reunited under the stars. I love you my sister and you will always be in my thoughts.

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