Chapter 19: New Home

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After a few more days of traveling we finally arrived at a new land that reminded me so much of home that it was scary. I heard a small voice in my mind.

You have arrived, you have done well my beloved daughter, go and find where you wish to live.

"We're here." I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Really?!" Snowstar said shocked.

"Yes, we need to divide the territories, send a cat from each clan to go and explore to figure out the territories. Lightpaw, Skyheart and I will search for a new Mooncrystal." Skyheart padded over and we trotted off towards a path nearby. I sensed something calling to me.

"Do you feel it too?" Skyheart asked. I nodded and Lightpaw did as well.

"We have to be getting close to something." Lightpaw trailed away from the group and towards a bunch of bushes nearby.

"Lightpaw!" Jumped after her she froze on the other side and I saw what she was staring at. A beautiful lake spreading out as far as the eye could see.

"I think we found the new Mooncrystal but I think it would be better to call it a Moonlake now." Skyheart stated.

"I believe you're right. Lightpaw..." She looked at me amazed. "It's time for you to receive your Medicine Cat name. From this moment on you will be known as Lightmoon, in honor of you finding the Moonlake. I know our Warrior Ancestors are looking down on you with pride right now. We honor you as the newest Medicine Cat of Seaclan." She smiled proudly.

"Thank you, Frostmeadow. I will do my best to care for the clan beside you." We turned and headed back to where everyone was waiting the search group was back.

"Did you find anything?" Snowstar asked.

"Lightmoon did, she found the Moonlake." I explained.

"Lightmoon?" Frostclaw asked coming forward.

"I have decided she has more than earned her Medicine Cat name. But not just that..." I turned to look at her. "With my lack of eyesight I can no longer be a proper Medicine Cat, therefore I pass the job of Medicine Cat on to Lightmoon, I will help her as necessary but from this moment forth she will be Seaclan's new Medicine Cat." Everyone gasped. Lightmoon looked at me shocked.

"Frostmeadow...I can't be the Medicine Cat..."

"I thought the same way as you did when Jayheart made me the Clan's Medicine Cat, but I know you can, because you are strong and you are brave. You will protect your clan with your life. And that is why-" That's when a badger jumped out of the nearby bushes, it headed straight for Lightmoon. I jumped over her and tackled the badger to the ground. It attempted to claw me, but I moved out of the way. I raked my claws down it's stomach. It cried out and kicked me away. I hissed at it as it glared at me. The badger charged once more and I dodged its attack as it turned to face me once more.

I backed away a few steps as it came for me. I knew there was a cliff not far from where I was. It charged once more and I used all of my strength to pounce over it, it's claws cutting through my stomach. I collapsed on the other side as it fell over the cliff side.

"Frostmeadow!" Lightmoon rushed over. I coughed up some blood, my vision was going blurry.

"Lightmoon, it's okay. It' time..." Sunstar and Moonlight rushed over as well.

" can't die!" Moonlight cried.

"I knew...I knew it was going to happen, I felt it. There was a reason mom came to me...she wanted to make it easier. Please don't worry, I will watch you with mom and dad. I will never stop watching over you." I coughed some more. Frostclaw looked at me sadly. "Don't give me that look, I know I promised to give you a chance and I'm sorry...that it has to end so soon. I loved you with all my heart Frostclaw, please move on and be happy with your life. Watch out for Lightmoon for me please, she was the closest thing to a kit I could have. Please don't be sad...I'm going the way I should have gone, the way of a Medicine Cat." I gave a few more jagged breaths before everything went dark. I heard a soft voice come from nearby. I opened my eyes gently. My mother was standing there with Jayheart and Blackfire.

Welcome to Starclan, Frostmeadow.

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