Chapter 13: Tall Rocks

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That night we all set out for Tall Rocks and arrived to see Nightclan and Sunclan there already.

"Welcome Seaclan." Black star said gently.

"Blackstar, I see you got my message." I said stepping forward.

"Yes, thank you Frostmeadow." I searched the crowd for Sunstar, his blazing orange pelt glowed brightly in the moonlight.

"Frostmeadow!" I turned and saw Airclan joining us. Moonlight rushed over and I brushed my side against hers.

"Moonlight, I'm glad you all could make it." She smiled and looked at our brother who was looking at us both with longing in his eyes. We both padded over to him.

"Sunstar." He pressed against both of us quickly.

"It's good to see you again." He said gently.

"We will always be here, mousebrain." I stated and we all chuckled. That's when Snowstar came to my side, and placed a paw on my shoulder.

"I think it's about time we got going don't you think?" I nodded once and went to the Tall Rocks. I bounced to the top quickly.

"Everyone!" I yelled out and the talking stopped. "It's time for us to leave everything we knew behind and move on to our new home." They all looked between one another a little nervous. "I know it must be scary to think of leaving after everything our ancestors worked so hard to create, but if we don't leave then the Twolegs will destroy us. The journey will be hard, but we have to make it. We have to survive for our ancestors. For the generations after us." I said proudly. I jumped down and went to Snowstar's side. "Shall we?" She nodded. I started limping towards the direction of the Mooncrystal.

"Frostmeadow?" I looked down to my right and saw Lightpaw standing there.


"Will we be alright?" I frowned.

"You can't doubt Lightpaw. Trust in the words of Starclan." She shook away her fears and nodded determined.

"Right!" She rushed up to where her father was. I smirked a little as she bounced alongside her father.

"She'll make a fine Medicine Cat one day." Snowstar muttered gently.

"She has much to learn but yes, I believe you are right." We continued on until we saw the Mooncrystal entrance coming up. The sun was starting to rise and I knew we all must have been exhausted from the whole day of preparing and then the whole night of traveling.

"I think here would be good to stop for the day. We'll continue tonight." Sunstar stated. I nodded to him and we watched as a lot of the cats collapsed almost immediately. I felt my legs aching too but I forced myself to check everyone in my clan to make sure everyone was feeling alright.

"Frostmeadow, get some rest. I'll take care of everyone." Frostclaw stated and slowly started to get to his feet.

"No I'm done with my rounds. I'm going to sleep now." I curled up beside him and closed my eyes.

Go to where the water meets the edge of this world. There you will find Paradise for all. Go my beloved daughter and find what you have set out for.

I woke up with a start and looked around to see cats mixing together to talk. I felt my body shiver as I remembered my mother's voice.

"Frostmeadow, you're awake great. Come eat with Sunstar and I." Moonlight said smiling. I padded over still a little shaken up by the sudden vision from Starclan. I sat down beside my siblings and stared at the mouse in front of me.

"I know it's not as glamorous as fish, but Frostclaw said you would like it." Sunstar said smiling gently.

"Did he get this for me?" They nodded.

"He's worried about you, you tend to overwork yourself." Moonlight explained.

"I'm not some mousebrain kit. I know how to take care of myself..." I muttered but bit into the mouse. I devoured it quickly and looked up at them finally.

"What's wrong?" Sunstar asked lightly as I stared off into the distance.

"I heard mom last night..." They both turned quickly.

"What did she say?"

"Go to where the water meets the edge of this world. There you will find Paradise for all. Go my beloved daughter and find what you set out for." I felt like I was going to cry if I had to remember her anymore.


"I need to talk to Snowstar." I rose and padded away from them. Snowstar was talking with Icystorm when I stopped.

"Frostmeadow?" Frostclaw asked as I froze dead in my tracks. I sensed something off. I jumped back quickly as a large dog appeared from the trees. I shook a little at the size of it, it advanced towards Frostclaw as he backed away hissing.

I remembered Moonlight telling me to protect the ones I loved. I...I loved Frostclaw...

I jumped on top of the dog as it was about to pounce on him. I bit down hard on it's throat. It howled in pain and tried to throw me off.

"Frostmeadow!" Sunstar called out, him and Moonlight were charging the dog too. I raked my claws down it's face. However, my paw slipped too close to its mouth and t took the chance to chow down hard on it. I heard the instant shatter of my paw. I cried out in pain and the dog threw me off. I land on the ground a little ways away. Cats were now pouncing on the dog left and right. Finally after another couple of swipes the dog collapsed. It gave one finally gasp of breath and stopped. Frostclaw rushed to my side.

"You mousebrain! What were you thinking?!" I slowly found my way to my feet and winced as my right front paw swelled with pain.

"You were going to die if I didn't."

"How do you know that?! You act before thinking all the time and that is what is going to get you killed!" He yelled.

"Next time I won't save your mouse brain." I limped away from him and over to Snowstar.

"You shouldn't be walking."

"I'll live, Lightwish told me we need to go to where the water meets the edge of this world and there we will find what we are searching for." She nodded and then noticed the paw the dog took a bite on.

"There's no way you can travel like that."

"I'll manage. The sun is setting we should leave soon." I limped to Sunstar and Moonlight.

"I don't know if you're brave or stupid." Moonlight chuckled.

"She's brave to take on a dog all by herself." Sunstar said. "But now we have to help her walk."

"Just leave me be." I said sharply. They both came to my sides.

"Nope, just like when we went to our first Gathering together. We will get there together." Moonlight said licking my ear.

"Thanks..." I muttered and they both smiled.

"We're family, it's what we do."

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