Chapter 17: Frostclaw's Rage

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After coming back later with Lightpaw I saw Frostclaw was talking with Riverbreeze by where the makeshift fresh kill pile was. I gulped a little as he turned his attention to me. He started coming towards me and I looked for something to do so he would lose interest. But there was nothing so I was stuck with having to sit there and listen to him.

"Frostmeadow we need to talk about what you were talking about with Snowstar earlier." I sighed.

"I know..." My ears drooped a little as he led me away from everyone. I sat down with him at the edge of the cliff side.

"Why did you run off earlier?"

"If you were me you would have done the same thing." I stated.

"Frostmeadow, please tell me what you're thinking. I never know what goes on in your head."

"That's how it should be."

"Tell me!" He said sharply.

"What do you want me to say?! That I love you and I can't because it's against everything I stand for?! Is that what you want to hear Frostclaw?! I love you but I can't love you!" I yelled though I knew we were too far away for anyone to hear me.


"Don't, don't sit here and tell me everything's alright because it's not." I started to pad away.

"Why do you have to hide from everything you feel?" He asked and I stopped.

"Don't act like you know me, Frostclaw..." I was about to continue to pad away when he said something that made my heart ache.

"Then why don't you give me the chance?"

"You know why I can't..."

"Frostmeadow, please..."

"Don't make this any harder for me than it has to be Frostclaw, we can't be together no matter what we both feel." I walked away and saw two Nightclan apprentices lashing out at Lightpaw, she was backing away and i jumped forward quickly, scaring the two. "And do you have the right to lash out at a Medicine Cat apprentice?!" I hissed, cats turned quickly. "Have you already forgotten the Warrior Code or do you just choose to ignore it?" I hissed again, they backed away before running off quickly.

"I'm sorry for that Frostmeadow." Blackstar said coming over.

"Don't it's not your fault a bunch of mousebrained apprentices want to act out because we aren't in the forest anymore." I muttered.

"It's my fault..." I turned my attention to a cowering Lightpaw.

"Why is that?" I asked gently.

"That cat that killed my sister, she was from Nightclan when she was alive...I..." I understood the situation now.

"Forgive her Blackstar, she meant nothing by it, she has suffered a lot in such a short amount of time." I apologized for her.

"It is in the past, nothing can be done about it now. They will not bother her again as long as she holds her tongue." I nodded and when he was gone I looked at Lightpaw.

"Lightpaw, you can't just say what you want, I'm sorry about what happened to Blackkit, I did try to save her, but it was no one in Nightclan's fault that the cat that killed her just so happened to have been in that clan when she was alive. Now I expect you to drop the matter and stop acting like a mousebrained kit." I said sternly and she frowned.

"I'm sorry Frostmeadow."

"You could stand to be a little more compassionate." Frostclaw spat as he walked past.

"Excuse me?" I questioned just as sharply.

"You show no compassion unless it's for your half clan siblings." I pounced on top of him and glared at him. Everyone was watching now.

"Say one more thing about my half clan siblings and it will be the last thing you do." I threatened. I got off of him and signaled for Lightpaw to follow closely.

"What was that about?" She asked and I shook my head at her.

"I will tell you when you're older." I curled up on the ground and she joined me, curling up next to me like she always did. I wrapped my tail around her protectively and closed my eyes.

"Frostclaw, that's enough." I heard Snowstar say the next morning. I opened my eyes to see Frostclaw glaring at Sunstar.

"What did you just say to me?!" He hissed at Sunstar.

"I said you need to leave my sister alone or you will have to answer to me." I jumped to my feet seeing what was happening in front of me. Frostclaw went to pounce and I took off, tackling him to the ground quickly.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled sharply and loudly, waking up the remaining sleeping cats. "I have had enough of your ego, Frostclaw. We are talking about this now, Snowstar." I said firmly and she nodded. We dragged Frostclaw away from my brother and sat far away from everyone.

"This needs to stop Frostclaw." Snowstar stated.

"So you're taking her side? Of course you are, she is your blood after all. Just as Icystorm was made Clan deputy after Lightwish died. And Frostmeadow was made Medicine Cat, Lightpaw being Icystorm's daughter, this clan will die with only your blood in charge." He spat.

"Frostclaw...that's enough..." I muttered as I thought about my mother. He looked at me and noticed the distraught look on my face. "You think it's easy knowing my mother is gone? You think it's easy knowing Jayheart is gone? They were my family I don't even have my own brother and sister in my clan anymore, but that doesn't give you the right to shame them because they are half clan, so am I. Are you going to shame me too? Are you going to try and kill me like Ravenclaw tried to kill Sunstar and Moonlight?"

"Ravenclaw did that?" He asked suddenly backing down.

"Yes...I saved their lives that day...they have saved mine countless times, but no matter what happened even when they left...I didn't, because I believed in my clan and I believed things could change. And they can, but not like this Frostclaw, we need to work together if we are going to find our new home. That means no picking fights with me, Sunstar, or anyone else for that matter. So please if you just calm down, I'll give you a chance." I explained.

"You promise?"

"I promise on the words of Starclan." I muttered. "And that's a promise I can't break."

"Very well." He padded away and went to straight to Sunstar to apologize.

"Thank you Frostmeadow." Snowstar muttered to me as she past.

"There's no need, I know what I'm promising."

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