One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction] Chapter 1.

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So, Singer Elle Varner (If You Don't Know Her Ask Or Google Her She's Awesome Or Check Out The Video On The Right...) Otherwho, She Told Me If I Write A Fan Fiction Story About Her She'll Check It Out ... This Is Chapter One. You Don't Have To Read This, It's Just A Backup From My Tumblr.

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Chapter 1:

I sighed and rolled over, feeling across the bed, up and down searching for another body. His body. When I found none I opened my eyes soon after squinting them closed as the sunlight hit my eyelids. I sighed loudly and pulled the covers up on my body…

“Hello?” I called out.

“In the bathroom…”

“Oh, great, the shower…” I bit my bottom lip and rolled off the bed, letting my bare feet get used to the cold wooden floor, grabbed my glasses and pulled the sheet up, it dragged along the floor until I got the bathroom door frame.

“How’d you sleep?”

“I slept great, and you?”

“Pretty good…” He sighed.

“Are you okay?”

“Elle, we need to talk.” I swallowed hard and sat on the edge of the bed, the sheets still wrapped around my body. He sat down next to me.

“About what?”

“EV, I love you … I do. You're amazing, but I'm just not ready to be in a relationship right now. Not to mention, I just feel like you more as friend…”


“Aw hell, what am I saying I don't even want to be FRIENDS anymore”


“Maybe you should just go.”


“Don’t make this harder than it is Elle … Just go.” He pointed towards the door, I turned my hear looking at it like it popped up out of nowhere, was he seriously breaking up with me.

“What about last night, the dinner the--”

“Last night was fun … He pecked my lips … But it’s a new day…” And with that he rose from the bed, walking into the kitchen. I threw on the same yellow dress I wore to dinner the day earlier, and strapped on my blue heels. Afterwards grabbing my clutch purse and keys.

“You’ll regret this.”

“Oh … Elle … You’re hurting, I understand.” He said in a douchey tone, taking a bite into his sandwich, I knocked the sandwich out his hand and swung the door open only to see a woman standing there with her fist in the air as if she were just about to knock. I studied her face, she was my height, had a messy ponytail and my skin tone but a little bit darker.


“Uh, Devin … Whose this woman?” She raised one eyebrow. I scoffed and held my hand up defensively shaking my head.

“I’m … Just a friend.” And with that I was out of sight.


“Oh. EV, that’s terrible.” My friend Kory said with her hand cupping her mouth dramatically. Her twin sister Kyra just continued to sip her drink.

“I’m not going to say I told you so … But I told you so, I told you not to get involved with Devin. You two had been friends since you were ten, he grew some balls and all of a sudden he could get any girl he wanted and still keep you.” I sighed as Kyra continued to rant.

“I know, but … We had a good thing going the past two months were great. I just … I don’t know.”

“The sex, that’s what it was … You couldn’t get enough, he knew he had you with the sex so that made it easier for him to cheat.” Kory said.


“Yes.” They said in unison.


“Face it Elle, that’s what it was. So just leave it at that.”

“I must be the biggest moron on the fucking planet!” I threw my head down, letting it rest on my arms.

“No hun, your … Kory paused … Okay, maybe just a little moronic, but we love you.”

“How about tonight we go out, find you a new man?”

“No, I’d rather just stay home and watch a movie, maybe get some ice cream. Try something crazy like flat ironing my hair…” The both laughed but my face remained serious.

“Come on EV, please?”

“Please?” Kyra said in the same tone as her sister. I sipped the remainder of my drink, spinning the ice around with my straw.

“No guys, maybe next time.”

“Don’t let Devin ruin your mood, come on girl…”

“Fine, okay.”

“Oh, I know … lets go to that bar with the karaoke machine, you can sing Elle. That’ll be fun right?” I damn near choked on my drink when she said that.

“No, hell no.”

“Why not?”

“I just got dumped by my boyfriend; I am not in the mood to sing.” Kory and Kyra stood up from their seats.

“Okay, so it’s set … We’ll pick you up tonight at six.”

“I won’t be ready…”

“Like hell you won’t…” They said walking backwards out the door, they turned and walked out; I laid my head back on my arms. Could my day get any worse?

“Can I get you anything else?” The waiter said walking up to the table. I lifted my head and shook my cup.

“Can I get a refill?”

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