One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction] Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8:

6 Months Later.

“Okay you ready Cass?”


“Oh three alright?” She giggled and gripped the swing set chains tighter; I smiled and pulled her back as far as possible.

“Okay, one, two--”


“I’m going so high look Elle!” She yelled I pulled out my camera and began to snap a few pictures; she was so adorable her little ponytails bounced up and down as she swung higher, kicking her legs to gain more air. Sean was working, so it was just me, Cassidy … And Regan having a girl’s day. Although Regan and I had become closer over the months U still had questions to ask that I couldn’t before…

“Did you get some good ones?”

“Yeah, a lot … You’ll love these, they look so natural you know?”

“Yeah I can’t wait.” Regan smiled, helping Cassidy off the swing.

“I’m out of breath mommy.”

“Go drink some water, but please don’t touch the fountain with your lips Cass!”

“I won’t.” She smiled, taking off running. Regan and I sat down on the bench watching as she drank from the fountain.

“So, uh how is everything with … Uh, singing and at the club?”

“It’s great … Yeah, great.”

“Oh that’s  ... That’s great, glad to hear that.” She said clasping her hands together awkwardly.

“I know you would probably say no but I have this song called Tiny Little Temper and Cassidy heard it one day and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind her coming to a show with me and singing on stage with me…”

“She loves to sing, and she loves attention … Why not!”


“Yes, She can do it, I’d love to see her on stage and I can bring Devin we can finally get out and do something together … it’ll be great.”


“Oh. Elle, I’m sorry … I forgot I was just running off at the mouth and totally forgot--”

“No, no it’s fine. But you two never get out a lot what’s that about … If, you don’t mind me asking.”

“Yeah, he’s just been busy lately. Work, and stuff so he’s too busy to go out, but the show?” She said changing the subject and watching Cassidy’s every move as she talked to another little girl on the play ground.

“Yeah the show is tomorrow night, and 7 you can bring Cass to the club around 6 so we can rehearse and get settled.”

“Or, she can stay with you tonight. If you want?” My eyes widened, I shook my head shocked at what she had said.

“I would love that.”

“Okay great.”


“Okay, well. I should get going.”

“So soon?”

“Yeah, I have something’s to take care of … Cassidy?”

“Yes mommy?” She said out of breath once again.

“How would you like if you stayed with Elle for tonight?”

“Can I?”

“Yep, and I will pick you up Monday morning … Is that okay with you?”

“Yeah that’s fine.” I smiled wide; Cassidy gave her mother a hug.

“We’re going to have so much fun!”

“Yeah we are!” I said equally as happy as she was.

“Okay, I will see you tomorrow night at the show.”

“And I will have your pictures too.”

“Okay, see you later baby girl!”

“Bye mommy.” And with that she was gone.


“How is everything going so far?”

“Great actually, Kory and Kyra love her, and now she’s playing with Kyra’s hair.”

“Just keep her away from glitter, scissors, and glue!” I chuckled in the phone.

“Too late.”

“Whoops, good luck with the rest of the night then.” Sean joked.

“Are you coming tomorrow?”

“Of course, I wouldn’t miss this show for the world, my baby and my baby on stage together, couldn’t get any better.”

“So, Regan said that she’s bringing Devin…”

“Hmm, you okay with that?”

“I guess, I mean … That’s if he even comes.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I could hear it in her voice … He’s cheating on her, I know it.”

“Elle, don’t try to save their relationship.”

“But, I’ve been in her shoes … He was my ex, and my best friend since I was ten … I know him better than anything.”

“So, let her figure it out … Don’t get involved and look like the crazy ex.” We both laughed in unison, I pushed my hair out my face and jumped off the bed.

“Okay fine … I won’t get involved.”


“EV! Come here quick!” One of the twins yelled from the living room.

“I have to go.”




“Alright, whatever … Got to go, love you bye!” He sighed heavily in the phone.

“Love you too, bye.”


“I’m coming, stop with all the screaming!”

“Look at little Diana Ross!” I smiled wide and walked closer to Cassidy, the twins had managed to make her hair as poofy as mine, and put her in a pair of my heels and a dress.

“She looks beautiful!”

“I know right.”

“I look pretty right?” Cassidy said spinning around.

“Very pretty, but let’s get you out this dress so you can wear it tomorrow night.”

“Okay.” She said yawning.

“Someone is sleepy.”

“Thanks for coming over and helping me with her.”

“Anytime.” They said helping me clean, before we were half-way done, Cassidy was stretched out on the couch sleeping peacefully. I smiled and pulled the cover up on her tighter. Now I could see why Sean and Regan loved her so much, she was everything a mother could ask for…

One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα