One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction] Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11:

 “Tell Elle I love her…”


“Tell Elle I love her and I’ve always loved her … Since we were 10 years old. That’s what he told me before he died.”

“Devin said that?”

“He didn’t say I love you Regan or I’m going to miss you … The whole time his life was slipping away in my arms he talked about … You.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“25 years old, he was so young.”

“I know, I just can’t believe he’s gone … I was just with him and now…”

“…That’s why I ran to Sean’s house and Kissed him, I didn’t plan on kissing him I swear to you I didn’t. I just needed to feel loved by someone, anyone.”

“It was still wrong, but I understand your pain.”

“I just miss him so much, I regret giving him the ring back and taking it again and for his last words to only be about you, and it makes me think … Did he even love me…?”

“You should know the answer to that Regan…”

“But did he love me like he loves you?”

“Look, I really am sorry.” I repeated shaking my head. Regan crossed her arms over her chest after wiping a few tears as we stood in the middle of the cemetery watching as Devin’s casket dropped into the ground. I sniffed from the cold air hitting my nostrils at full force and stared at her red face.

“For what? I knew he loved you … They all do.”



“Devin, Sean … Shit even Cassidy My own daughter loves you more than me.”

“Come on Regan you’re over reacting, Cassidy loves you you’re her mother.”

“She doesn’t even call me mama anymore.” She said crying again, my mouth turned into a slight O shape. I honestly didn’t know what to say next.

“Regan … I’m--”

“Sorry, yeah yeah I know…”


“I deserved to get slapped by you, I don’t know what has gotten into me, maybe it’s just the thought of someone dying in your arms … I just need time alone.” She inhaled deeply.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Means I’m leaving Cassidy with Sean for a few weeks and going to California.”

“Does Sean know that?”

No he doesn’t. And I’d like to keep it that way until I’m ready to tell him.”

“Okay, I won’t tell em.”


“I promise…” She held out her hand for a hand shake. Pulling off her leather glove.

“It was nice meeting you Elle; I hope things go well for you in the future.”

“Thank you, I hope you find what you’re searching for in California.”

“Me too.” She smiled causing me to smile back, soon after walking off and getting back into her car. I blew air into my cheeks and walked over to Kory and Kyra who were sitting down. Kyra had her head on her sisters shoulder crying.

“How is she holding up?”

“Not too good…”

“Poor Ky, It’ll be alright … He’s in a better place now.” I said rubbing her back that only made her cry harder. Kory shook her head and turned to me.

“How are you?”

“I’m good.

“For now…?

“Yeah, for now … I guess.”

“Where’s Regan going?”


“For what?” Kyra said sitting up straight.

“To find herself I guess.” I said using air quotes.

“Is she taking lil bit with her?”

“Yeah and has she discussed that with Sean?”

“Right, she’s just gonna up and leave…!”

“Cassidy will be with Sean. She doesn’t want him to know just yet.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Well, I promised I wouldn’t tell, so I won’t.” The conversation grew quiet and people were starting to leave the cemetery, giving us hugs and kind words as they walked away.

“Hey EV…?”

“Yeah KY?”


“What about her?”

“She’s not coming back is she?”

“Hmmm … I bit my bottom lip and shrugged … I don’t think she is.”

One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now