One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction] Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17.

“I don’t want to be your friend, buddy, or associate.”

“I’m not asking you to be any of that, just saying … If I were to marry Sean, I don’t want you coming around thinking you two have a chance of getting back together.”

“I have to see my daughter.”

“You left your daughter!” I yelled into the phone, I had been on the phone with Regan going back and forth with her for almost an hour, she just continued to speak in circles, one minute she wanted nothing to do with Cassidy or Sean and when I mentioned marriage she’d change her mind. She was getting on my last nerve.

“I left my daughter with her father to find myself, not so Sean would scoop you up and marry you.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I’m saying, I don’t want you marrying Sean.”

“Well too bad … I love him; he’s over you … Even his mother--”

“That crazy bitch? Figures she’d put stuff in your head about how bad I was. She never liked me.”

“I heard … And besides, she didn’t put anything in my head, she just told me the truth about you. But I already knew that before she even told me.”

“You don’t even know me!”

“Look! I just called to let you know Sean purposed to me…” The line went silent. I checked to see if she had hung up, and to my surprise she didn’t.

“He did?”


“Did you say yes…?”

“I said I’ll think about it.” She sighed in relief through the phone, I scrunched up my face.

“I don’t have a problem with it … To be honest, I’m happy that he’s happy. Because when he’s happy Cassidy is happy too.”

“Okay … So you’re fine with it, if we were to get married?”

“Yes. I am. But--”

“But what?”

“Don’t you dare think about adopting Cassidy… ”

“It never even crossed my mind.” Regan sighed once again before speaking.

“Hey, you remember that day me you and Cassidy went to the park?”


“You took some pictures … But you never sent them to me. I was wondering--”

“Yes.” I said plain and simple, cutting her off.

“Okay, thanks. That was one of my favorite days with her; she looked so pretty and was so happy that day.”

“Yeah I remember, she had finally learned how to go high on the swing and we could barely pull her away from them.” Regan chuckled.

“Exactly, she asked me about that park a few days after that but It’s like the place disappeared I could never find it.”

“Oh, I should have given you the directions … I had found that park one day when I got lost and ever since then it’s just a relaxing place I go to once and a while to write, I can send you that too if you’d like?”

“No that’s fine, the pictures will do. I’m pretty sure I won’t be back in Brooklyn anytime soon. So it would be a waist. Just send me the pictures of Cassidy.” She said as her sweet tone turned annoyed once again, I guess the memories of that day had changed her mood.

“Okay, Okay … I will.”

“You know I’ve noticed something about you Elle…”

“And that is?”

“You said were a lot … If we were to get married, If I were to marry Sean … I swallowed hard … Are you sure you even want to do this I mean come on, think about the things you’ll have to give up. Think about what he’d have to give up.” The line remained silent.

“I got to go.”

“Hmpt, right…”

“I really do. I got a call on the other--”

“Save it. Anyway Elle Varner … Good luck with all of that.” She mumbled into the phone, her voice filled with extra sass. I sighed and threw my head back, thinking about the conversation. I had gotten Regan out the way, now I had to talk to Sean.


“I don’t know what to do now.”

“Don’t sit up on the phone crying, I think you know what the right thing is you just don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

“That’s true.”

“You’re going to go through life with different emotions and feelings Elle, so learn from them.” Now I got a lot to think about. Jessica was right. I hadn’t spoken with my cousin since she stayed with me for a few days while she met her online date and brought him to the show with me, I needed to catch up with her anyway. Not to mention she had great advice.

“Trust me, that’s the first thing I’m doing is learning and taking notes.”

“Good …The line grew silent … So, I met a guy--”

“Oh brother…”

“No, Gabbie wait. Hear me out!”

“You only call me Gabbie when you’re desperate.” I pointed out; I could feel her smiling in the phone. I bit down on my bottom lip, sitting on my couch Indian style.

“I met a guy and--” Her sentence was cut short when my phone began to beep; I pulled it away from my ear to see an unknown number.

“Jessica, I’m dying … Dying to hear about this new guy in your life but I have a call on the other line.”


“Not lying, I promise.”

“Whatever, Call me back.”

“Promise I will.”

“Later cousin.” I smiled as she made a kissing noise in the phone before hanging up.


“Hey Elle…”

“Hey, Sean.”

“Are you hungry? I’m about to close up shop and have leftovers.” I opened my mouth to say no but my stomach decided to speak for me, my day had been so busy I didn’t even notice I was hungry. I rubbed my stomach and scrunched up my face.


“Alright, I’ll bring some food over your way, I can’t stay too long though I have a meeting downtown at the court house…”


“Now that I own the shop … Well … It’s a long story, I’ll explain when I see you.” I began to nod my head understandingly as if he could see me.

“Okay then, I’ll be here. Don’t take too long … Remember I’m starving.” I half joked. Sean laughed.

“Alright, be there in 20 or 30 minutes.”

“Kay, bye.” I hung up quickly my stomach growled louder as I jumped off the couch, trying to straighten up a little before he stopped by afterwards calling Jessica back as planned. Talking sure does make you hungry…

One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant