One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction] Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3:

I couldn’t get him off my mind, the way he held on to my hips, the way we danced, the way his heart rate sped up after he spun me around and brought my body closer to his. Who would have known, the same guy that had been serving me food for the past two years would be the same guy that asked me to dance. Questions swarmed my head like…


Had he always noticed me?


Why that night of all nights?



What in the hell was his name?

“Hello, earth to Elle!”

“What huh?”

“The server guy wanted us to give you this…”

“What’s this … His number? Is it his number or--”

“It’s the check.”

“It’s your turn to pay!” They both said in unison. I scanned over the paper in hopes that he may have slipped his number somewhere.

I got no luck.

“Alright.” I shrugged and placed the money on the table before getting up.

“Let’s go, I’m going to be later for work!” Kory said annoyed. The look on her face screamed I Hate My Job but the checks are good.

“Wait, can I talk to you for a minute?” The waiter guy said tugging lightly on my arm, I turned to Kory and Kyra signaling for them to meet me outside. The shyly smiled and walked out. My heart rate began to speed and I couldn’t stop smiling. I cleared my throat and finally found the words to speak.

“Uh, sure … But before you start, I left a tip so … if that’s what this is about--”

“No, No … I just wanted to give you my number.” I chuckled, extending my arm.

“Oh, thank you. I’ll call you…”

“Please do.” I turned walking towards the door, I stopped and turned back towards the guy.

“Wait … What’s your name?”

“Sean.” He said smiling.

“Okay Sean … I’ll call you!”

[Days Later]

“Should I call him?”


“I’m going to call … No I’m not. Ugh!” I laid back on the bed as Kyra looked at me like I was crazy. I waited two days to call Sean because I knew if the roles were reversed and he had my number he’d do the same…

Wouldn’t he?

“Elle, call him … you’ve been avoiding going to the diner, and avoiding calling him … What are you afraid of?”

“Getting hurt … Again, Jumping into another relationship … Again!” Kyra laughed.

“Your just calling to see what’s up not asking for his hand in marriage, the only thing that could happen is him not picking up!”

“Your right, I’m being corny. Okay … I got this … I’m cool, confident--”

“And your calling … I’m going into the kitchen for food!”

“When you find some … Let me know!” I yelled holding the phone away from my mouth.

“Got you…” She waved her hand and disappeared into the other room.

“Ring ring … I held my breath … ring ring…” And exhaled.

“Hello?” My eyes widened, it was really him. I didn’t know what to say my mouth got all dry, and my throat felt like it was going to close.



“Yeah … How are you?” He chuckled as if he couldn’t believe it was me before clearing his throat to speak.

“I’m great, todays my day off so it’s even better … What about you? I haven’t seen you around the diner in a while…”

“Oh, yeah … I’ve been busy, doing stuff …” He chuckled. It was so cute and for some reason instantly made me feel comfortable talking to him...

“Doing stuff huh? Well, Like I said … todays my day off and If your not too busy I was wondering if you’d like to go dancing, or something like that…”

“That sounds great.”

“Okay, cool … I’ll pick you up at 7?”

“Sounds great…”

“Okay, text me your address.”

“I got you, see you tonight.” I smiled into the phone.

“See you.” He hung up and I jumped off the bed in search for Kyra who was sitting infront of the TV eating a giant sandwich, she began to take a bite but I stopped her.

“What are you doing? I’m starving, and you don’t want to see me when I’m starving!”

“Damn the sandwich … I have a date, a real date not some fake wanna be date. A real one…”

“With Sean the server?” I laughed.

“Don’t call him that!”

“Okay … I’ll just call him the server!”

“Sean will do…” I said faking hurt. She laughed and started on her sandwich.

“Okay … I’ll call him Sean, anyways … Where? What time? What are you going to wear? And … can you pass me my chips?” I sighed and threw her the bag.

“Dancing, seven, I don’t know and those better not be my last bag of chips!”

“No…” She said innocently trying to hide the chips, I shook my head and walked into the room…I had to prepare for my date…


“You look beautiful…”

“Thank you, you look handsom also.”

“Spin around, spin around let me see you girl.” I chuckled again and did a small twirl, I was wearing dark but colorful off the shoulder dress with orange heels, I didn’t want to surprise him with my normally colorful appearance just yet, considering I didn’t know where he was taking me. Not to mention my poofy hair and glasses that brought out the outfit just a little.

“Are you ready?”

“Of course … Lets go.”

One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now